Chapter 2:

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"Hey, Clemont!" (Ash)

"Hi, Ash and Serena! Come on in! I'll make some tea." (Clemont)

"Ok, thanks!" (Serena)

*** (They're drinking tea)

"So Ash, what made you come back to Kalos?" (Clemont)

"I wanted to see you guys again and congratulate Serena on becoming Kalos queen." (Ash)

"Cool! So, what should we do?" (Clemont)

"If you don't mind, I would like to have a battle with you." (Ash)

"Sure!" (Clemont)

*On the battlefield*

"Alright, battle begin!" (Bonnie)

"Pikachu, I choose you!"

"Bunnelby, let's go!"

"Pikachu, use thunderbolt!"

"Bunnelby, dodge and use mudshot!"

"Pikachu, counter it with electroball!"

"Bunnelby, use dig!"

"Pikachu, use iron tail on the ground!"

*** (Pikachu wins)

"That was a great battle!" (Ash)

"It sure was!" (Clemont)

Suddenly, Team Rocket appears out of nowhere and grabs Pikachu.

"Who's there?" (Ash)

"Prepare for trouble"

"And make it double"

"To protect the world from devastation"

"To unite all people within our nation"

"To announce the evils of truth and love"

"To extend our reach to the stars above"


"And James"

"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light"

"Surrender now or prepare for a fight"

"Meowth, that's right!"


"Team Rocket! You guys again? Why do you guys keep following me? Give Pikachu back!"

"Why would we do that? Gourgeist, come out!" (Jessie)

"Inkay, join the fray!" (James)

"Charizard, I choose you! Help Pikachu out by using dragon claw!" (Ash)

"Not so fast, Gourgeist, use shadow ball." (Jessie)

"Inkay, use psybeam." (James)

"Dodge it, then use dragon claw." (Ash)

"Pika pi!"

"Awesome buddy, I'm glad you're safe! Now use thunderbolt!"


"We're blasting off again!" (Team Rocket)


"Ash, you have a Charizard?" (Serena)

"Yeah, it was one of the first Pokémon that I caught." (Ash)

"Wow! That's so cool!" (Bonnie)

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