Chapter 16

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"Hi Goh! Hi professor!" I said.

"Ash! You're back!" Goh said.

"Yeah! I came to visit!"

"Who are the others?" Goh asked.

"Oh, right! I'll introduce you. They are all my former traveling companions. This is Clemont, Bonnie, Misty, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, and Brock!  And you saw Serena before when we were getting on the boat on the day Chole was participating in a contest. Guys, this is Goh!" I said.

"Nice to meet you, Goh!" Everyone said.

"Nice to meet you!" Goh said.

"Oh, hey Goh, where's Chole?" I asked.

"Oh, she's playing with Eevee in her room." Prof. Cerise said.

"Oh ok!" I said.

"Can I go see Chole? Please." Serena said.

"Sure. I'll go call her." Prof. Cerise said.

Prof. Cerise POV

"Chole! Serena want's to see you!" I called to Chole.

"Ok! I'll come down!" I heard Chole say.

Chole POV

Serena's here? I can't believe it! I'll go down to see her.

I went down and saw a bunch of people including Ash and Serena. Those were the only people I knew. I didn't know the rest of the people.

"Chole!" Serena said as she ran over to me.

"Serena! It's been so long!" I exclaimed.

"I know! I'm so happy to see you!" Serena exclaimed.


Serena and Chole seem to get along well. They came to where everyone else was, and Serena introduced everyone to Chole. While they were talking, Goh and I had started a conversation with each other.

"Have you caught any other pokémon yet?" I asked.

"Yup! I caught a Pansage!" Goh said happily.

"Cool! My friend Cilan has a Pansage too!" I told him.

"Awesome! I wonder if he can teach me more about Pansage." Goh said.

"Sure! I'll call him over." I said.

"Hey Cilan! Can you come here please? My friend Goh wants to learn more about Pansage." I called to Cilan.

"Ok! I'll be right there!" Cilan said.

Soon, Goh and Cilan were talking about Pansage, so I headed back to where the other people were. They were in the middle of talking about Chole's Eevee and what they think Eevee should evolve into. I decided to join in the conversation.


Wow! I can't believe it's already 6 pm! I'm getting kind of hungry, so I asked, 

"Can we get something to eat, please? I'm starving!" I said.

Prof. Cerise chuckled. "Sure! I'll make some dinner!"

"Yay! Thanks, professor!" I said happily.


"Mmmm. That was so good! Thanks prof. Cerise!" I said.

Prof. Cerise chuckled. "No problem, Ash!"

"Ash! Can I have a pokémon battle with you?" Goh asked. "I want to try battling with Pansage."

"Sure! Let's go outside to battle!" I said.

"Ok! Let's go!" Goh said.

"Can I come too? I could be the referee!" Clemont said.

"Sure! Why not?" I said, while running outside.

"This will be an one on one battle. Ash and Goh, are you ready?" Clemont said.

"We're ready!" I said.

"Then please take out your pokémon." Clemont said.

"Pikachu! I choose you!"

"Pansage, come on out!"

"Battle begin!"

"Pikachu, let's start off strong! Use thunderbolt!"


"Pansage, use solar beam to counter it!"


"Ok, Pikachu! Use electroweb!"

"Pika pika pika chu pi!"

"Pansage, dodge it quick!"

"Pikachu! Use thunderbolt one more time!"

"Pansage! Use hidden power!"

"Use electroweb once more!"

"Pansage! Dodge it!"

But it was too late, Pikachu trapped Pansage with it's electroweb.

"Great job, Pikachu! Now use quick attack, but when you get close, switch to iron tail!"


 "Oh no! Pansage!" Goh shouted.

Pikachu hit Pansage with iron tail and Pansage fainted.

"Pansage is unable to battle. Pikachu is the winner! Which means the victory goes to Ash!" Clemont exclaimed.

"Thanks, Pansage. You did well!" Goh said as he returned Pansage to it's pokeball.

Pikachu leaped onto my shoulder as I walked over to Goh.

"That was a great battle, Goh! You're Pansage is pretty strong!" I told Goh.

"Thanks! You're battle style is still as unpredictable as ever. You always surprise me!" Goh said.

"Thanks!" I said.


"Hello, Boss. We're here in Kanto. Just like you wanted us to be. What do you want us to do now?" Jessie said.

"I want you to......" Giovanni said.

"Alright, we got it!" James said.

"Good. I'm counting on you." Giovanni said. Then, he hung up.

"Did you hear that? The boss said he's counting on us!" Meowth said excitedly.

"Yes! Now let's get moving we don't want to disappoint the boss." Jessie said.

"Right!" James said.

They started to walk towards Pallet town. Soon, they came across a clearing, where they saw Ash and Goh, whom they call, 'twerps'.

"Hey, look! It's the twerps!" Meowth said.

"Yeah! Let's try to steal Pikachu!" James said.

"But we need to complete the task that the boss gave us." Jessie said.

"Fine, but then, let's steal Pikachu." Meowth said.

Team Rocket headed off to do who knows what Giovanni told them to do. But we'll find out soon.

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