Chapter 6

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"Today is finally the day the Kalos league starts!" (Ash)

"Give it your best shot, Ash." (Clemont)

"I'm going to go train for a bit first." (Ash)


"Ladies and gentlemen, today is the day that the Kalos league begins! We have a lot of trainers who are participating in the Kalos league this year! Let's give everyone who's participating a warm round of applause! And now, for today's matchups... the first match will be against these two trainers, Sawyer and Misty," (Prof. Sycamore)

"Misty's participating in the Kalos league too? I didn't know she came to Kalos." (Ash)

"Who's Misty?" (Serena)

"Oh, she was the first person who tagged along on my journey, but she tagged along because I broke her bike so... yeah. We were always fighting. Soon after that, I met Brock. He's the gym leader of Pewter City. He specializes in rock type pokémon. And he started traveling with us too." (Ash)

"Oh ok." (Serena)


"Sceptile is unable to battle! The winner is Misty!" (Prof. Sycamore)

"Cool, Misty won. It's been a while since I've seen her battle. One time, I was battling Misty for a gym badge. Her sisters are the gym leaders, but they only had one pokémon left that could still battle so, she filled in. But then, during our battle, Team Rocket came, and well, yeah. You probably know what happened next." (Ash)

"They tried to steal Pikachu, right?" (Serena)

"Yup, they had a giant vacuum and was sucking everything up." (Ash)

"What are you two talking about?" (Clemont)

"Oh, Ash was just telling me about his old friend, Misty." (Serena)

"The girl who just won?" (Bonnie)

"Yeah." (Ash)

"SHE'S A KEEPER!" Bonnie  shouted while running towards Misty, who was just walking out of the stadium.

"Bonnie, wait up!" Clemont said while panting.

Bonnie kneeled in front of Misty when everybody caught up. "You're a keeper! Can you please take care of my brother?"

"Huh?" Misty said, confused.

"Bonnie stop!" (Clemont) "I'm so sorry." he said to Misty.

"It's ok." Misty said. That's when she realized that there was someone she knew standing in front of her. "Ash? Is that you?"

"Hey Misty." Ash said. "What are you doing in the Kalos region?"

"Oh, I came here with Brock and Dawn. They wanted to come to see what it was like in here so, I came here with them." (Misty)

"Oh, where are they?" (Ash)

"Ahem, Ash, care to introduce us?" (Clemont)

"Oh, right. Misty, this is Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena. Guys, this is Misty." (Ash)

"Nice to meet you." (Misty)

"You too." (Clemont)

"So, where's Brock and Dawn?" (Ash)

"Here they come!" (Misty)

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