Chapter 11

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"Thank you for coming, everyone! Today is when the semi-finals start! Is everyone excited?" (Prof. Sycamore)

"Yess!" Everyone cheered

"Then let the semi-finals, begin!!!" (Prof. Sycamore)

"Our first match will be between Iris and Alain!" (Prof Sycamore)

Iris and Alain both walked through the tunnels and brought out their pokémon as they waited for the referee to say the rules.

"... the match will be over when either pokémon from either side are unable to battle. Can both challengers bring out their pokémon. (Referee)

"Haxorus, come out!"

"Metagross, come out and battle!"

"Alright, battle begin!" (Referee)


"And the winner is Alain!" (Referee)

The stadium was filled with cheers as everyone cheered. Alain was the last Kalos league champion, so he was bound to get in the finals. There was 20 minutes left before the next battle started, so the group went for a little walk in a park. Soon, they went back to the stadium for Ash and Misty's battle.

"Good luck Ash and Misty!" Everyone said in unison as they headed toward the tunnels.

"And now, we have our second semi-finals battle. This is a battle between Ash and Misty. Who will make it to the finals? Let's find out!" (Prof. Sycamore)

Ash and Misty both came out of the tunnels on either sides while the referee stated the rules.

"... the match will be over when either side's pokémon are unable to battle. Can both challengers please bring out their pokémon." (Referee)

"Pikachu, let's win this thing!"

"Starmie, let's beat Ash and move on to the finals!"

"Alright, let the battle, begin!" (Referee)

* Ash and Pikachu wins*

"And the winner is, Ash!" (Referee)

"Then it's decided. Ash and Alain will move on to the finals, just like last time!" (Prof. Sycamore)

"Hurray! Ash did it!" Everyone cheered.

"I hope Ash can beat Alain this time. He has never beaten him before." (Serena)

"No need to worry, Serena, Ash is going to win for sure!" (Dawn)

"You bet!" (Clemont)

*Outside the stadium*

"Wow, Ash! You won!" (Serena)

"Yup!" (Ash)

"Aww, I wanted to win." (Misty)

"Eh, better luck next time." (Ash)

*Sighs* "I guess." (Misty)

"We'll all be rooting for you, Ash!" (Bonnie)

"Yeah!" (Brock)

"So, what are you going to do now?" (Iris)

"Tomorrow is the finals so, I still have some time to train. I'll see you guys later!" (Ash)

"Pika pika!"

"'K bye!" (Dawn)

"See ya!" (Cilan)

The next day...

"Today is the finals of the Kalos league! Today we'll be watching a match against our current Kalos league champion, Alain, and our runner up, Ash! Whoever wins this battle will get to challenge our kalos champion, Diantha! If the winner of the Kalos league wins against Diantha, they will become the next Kalos champion! But, if the challenger loses, Diantha will stay Kalos champion! Now let's get ready for some excitement!" (Prof. Sycamore)

Ash and Alain both walked into the stadium and the referee stated the rules once they were ready.

"This will be a 6 on 6 battle! Each challenger will get to use 6 pokémon. If three of one challenger's pokémon are unable to battle, then the battlefield will change. Challengers, are you ready?" (Referee)

"I'm ready!"

"Same here!"

"Then, let the battle begin!" (Referee)

"Infernape, I choose you!"

"Chesnaught, come out!"


*Ash finally beats Alain for the first time and becomes the Kalos league champion.*

"Congratulations Ash! You are the new Kalos league champion! Would you like to challenge Diantha?" (Prof. Sycamore)

"YESS!" (Ash)

"Then, I will arrange for your battle next week. Will next Friday be okay?" (Prof. Sycamore)

"Yup! That gives me more time to train!" (Ash)

"Marvelous! I'll see you soon!" (Prof. Sycamore)

"You too, Professor!" (Ash)

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