Chapter 10

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Ash and his friends have just woken up. Remember what I said in the last chapter? Something special was going to happen, but what? Read to find out!

"Pikachu, can you wake Ash up? It's already morning and he's still sleeping." (Brock)

"Pika-chuuuuuu" Pikachu said as it fired a powerful thunderbolt.

"Ahhh! Pikachu! What was that for?!" (Ash)

"Pika pi pikachu!"

"Alright, I'm up." (Ash)

Ash quickly got up and got dressed. Then, he went downstairs to join his friends.

"Ash! What took you so long?" (Clemont)

"I was tired, that's all." (Ash)

"Oh, well you're up now. Let's go outside!" (Serena)

"Ok! I wonder what adventures we'll have today?" (Ash)

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be fun!" (Misty)

"Yeah! We might even get to see some pretty girls!" (Brock)

Everyone sweat dropped. Classic Brock. Anyways, they went out and guess what they saw? They saw Iris and Cilan, feeding their pokémon.

"Iris! Cilan! You're here too?!" (Ash)

"Ash! I didn't know you were here! How are you?" (Cilan)

"Hi Ash! (Iris)

"Hey, Ash, who are they?" (Bonnie)

"They're two of my old traveling companions. I traveled through the Unova region with them." (Ash)

"Wow! You traveled with Ash, too?" (Dawn)

"Yup! And we're participating in the Kalos league, too!" (Iris)

"Cool! So many people I know are participating in the Kalos league! (Ash)

"So, Ash, can you introduce us to your other friends?" (Cilan)

"Sure! This is Brock, Serena, Dawn, Clemont, Bonnie, and Misty." (Ash)

"Nice to meet you!" (Iris)

"You too!" (Serena)

"So, Ash, how have you been doing?" (Cilan)

"I've been doing great! What about you guys?" (Ash)

"I'm good!" (Iris)

"Me too!" (Cilan)

"So, are you guys also in the semi-finals?" (Ash)

"Yup! And I'm going to win!" (Iris)

"That's what Misty said! But anyways I'm going to win!" (Ash)

"You're just a little kid, so I'm gonna win." (Iris)

"Meh, you're a kid, too." (Ash)

Anyways, the group expanded as Iris and Cilan joined. Now there were even more people at the hotel. It was getting crowded, so they asked for another room. Everyone was having a good time and everything was calm, well, except for some tiny fights between Ash and Misty.

"It's my turn!" (Misty)

"No, you already went! Now it's my turn!" (Ash)

Everyone sweat dropped as they watched them fight. Today, they might have stayed at the hotel and did nothing special, but tomorrow, there will for sure be some excitement, as the Kalos league semi-finals start tomorrow. Who do you think is going to be in the finals? Tell me in the comments.

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