Chapter 14

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The next day...

Serena POV

*Yawn* What? It's already 10 o'clock?! I wonder why nobody woke me up. What date is it? Oh, it's February 2nd. It's my birthday! But why did nobody wake me up? Maybe they forgot my birthday. I'll just get dressed first then head downstairs.

8 minutes later...

"Hey guys!"

"Hi, Serena!" (Dawn)

"Hello!" (Ash)

"Do you guys know what day it is today?"

"Yeah! It's February 2nd!" (Ash)

"There's nothing special on this day?"

"Nope." (Brock)

"Oh, ok."

I can't believe they all forgot my birthday. I thought, blinking back tears. I guess I'll just celebrate myself, then.

"Hey, Serena, do you want to go shopping with me?" (Dawn)

"Uh, sure!"

I guess I'll just go shopping with Dawn. I guess it's better then staying here and doing nothing.

"We'll see you guys later! Bye!" (Dawn)

"Bye!" (Iris)


Good, Serena's gone shopping with Dawn. Now we can plan her surprise birthday party!

"Hey guys! Now that Serena's gone shopping, we can continue working on Serena's surprise birthday party!"

"Yeah! Let's go!" (Misty)

Dawn POV

Hmm, I need to keep Serena busy until Ash calls me to let me know that I can bring Serena back. Let's see, I know! We'll go clothes shopping!

"Hey, Serena! Let's go shop for clothes first!"

"Ok! Which shop should we go to first?" (Serena)

"Let's go to that one!"

"Ok!" (Serena)


2 hours later...

"Finally! We're done Serena's surprise birthday party! I'll go call Dawn to tell her that she can bring Serena back!"

"Ok, Ash!" (Clemont)

I dialed Dawn's phone number and waited for her to pick up. Soon, she picked up.

"Hey Dawn! Where are you guys now?"

"I told Serena to wait outside the bathroom so she wouldn't hear our conversation. Is the party ready?" (Dawn)

"Yup! You guys can come back now!"

"Great! I was almost out of ideas of what we should do. We'll be back soon!" (Dawn)

"Ok! See you soon!"

I hung up and told everyone to hide and turn the lights off. I can't wait to see the look on Serena's face when she comes back.

Serena POV

I wonder what's taking Dawn so long. I still can't believe everyone forgot about my birthday. Even Ash, the person who I admire so much, who knew me since our childhood, forgot. *Sighs* Right at that moment, Dawn came back out.

"Dawn! You're back!"

"Yup! And I think we should head back now. Don't you think so too?" (Dawn)

"Sure!" I replied, as that was the only word I could think of at that moment.

"Then let's go!" (Dawn)

We walked back to Clemont and Bonnie's house and after about 7 minutes, we were there. Then, we opened the door... Wait where is everyone? Where did they all go? I was about to ask Dawn, when we heard a lot of voices...

Nobody POV

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted including Dawn.

Then, the lights came back on. Serena saw that the room was decorated with party streamers, and other stuff. There was a big banner hanging down from the ceiling that read, 'Happy birthday, Serena!'

"OMG! You guys planned a surprise birthday party for me?" (Serena)

"Yup! And it was all Ash's idea." (Bonnie)

"Wow! I thought everyone forgot it was my birthday. Thank you, Ash, for planning such an amazing party!" (Serena)

"It was nothing!" Ash smiled while rubbing his nose.

Everyone celebrated Serena's birthday and had a lot of fun. I guess Serena could say that this was the best birthday ever!

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