Chapter 21

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"Hey guys! Look over there! I see a golden Magicarp!" I exclaimed, pointing to the direction of the golden Magicarp.

"Oh wow! It really is a golden Magicarp!" Serena exclaimed, amazed.

"Wow!" Everyone exclaimed.

*Click*  Cilan took a picture of the golden Magicarp.

"Now we just need to capture it in a pokeball and give it to Adam!" I said happily. 

I threw the pokeball and the golden Magicarp flicked it back at me with its tail. Then, it went back into the water.

"Aww, the golden Magicarp went back into the water." Bonnie said sadly.

"It's ok, we still got the picture that Cilan took." Iris comforted Bonnie.

"That's right!" Cilan says.

No one POV

Just then, Team Rocket appeared in their Magicarp submarine. 

"Hey! You just stole my line!" Meowth said angrily at Cilan.

"Huh?!" Cilan said, surprised. "Oh, it's just you guys."

"What d'you mean, it's just us?" Jessie, James, and Meowth said angrily.

"I mean, it's just you guys who can't even steal any pokemon." Cilan explained while smirking.

"Ugh. I just hate this twerp." Jessie said angrily.

"But Jess, he's right. We have never stolen any pokemon before because we always fail." James said.

"Oh, you just shut up." Jessie said to James while smacking his head. 

"Oww..." James said. 

Clemont POV

Today is finally the day where our friends can see who is the better cook! I know it's going to be me! I worked really hard on perfecting my family's secret recipe on how to make [insert food here]! I really hope I can win! Oh, it's already 8 am! I need to get ready for the cooking contest! Oh wait... I forgot to ask Brock what time we should have the contest. Eh, oh well, I'll just talk to him today at breakfast. I went outside and guess who I saw? ... Brock! Of course! Perfect! I can ask him what time we can have the cooking contest! I walked over to him and saw that he was practising his recipe. 

"Hi Brock!" I said.

Brock jumped. "Oh, hi Clemont! I didn't see you there, you scared me!" 

"Oh, sorry!" I said.

"That's ok." Brock replied.

"Ok, so, I wanted to ask... what time are we going to have the cooking contest?" I asked.

"How about when everyone wakes up?" Brock suggested.

"Sure!" I agreed.

Soon, everyone started to wake up.

"Hey guys! Me and Clemont are going to have our cooking contest now!" Brock told everyone.

"And you guys can eat what we make for breakfast! And judge them, of course!" I added.

"Alright! Then let the cooking contest begin!" Ash cheered.

I started making the [insert food name] and I saw Brock making his food. When I was done mixing the [insert ingredient here] with the [insert ingredient here], I put the mixture in the oven. Then, I started to make the toppings. I heard the 'ding' from the oven, and that meant that the mixture of [insert ingredients here] were done. I took it out of the oven and started topping it with the toppings that I made. Soon, I was done and placed my plate of [insert food name] on the table. I saw that Brock was also done his food. I waited for my friends to eat the food that we made. As they were eating, I was waiting anxiously for their reaction. Finally! They were done eating.

"So, who's cooking tasted better?" I asked.


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