Chapter 19

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I wonder where the golden Magicarp could be. It seems like we've been looking forever! I just hope we can find it soon. I'm getting really hungry.

"I hope we can find the golden Magicarp soon, cause I'm hungry." I said.

"Me too." Serena said.

"Yeah, where could the golden Magicarp even be?" Misty wondered.

"I don't know, maybe it would be easier if we went underwater to look." Brock suggested.

"Ok, but, we don't have any diving material." Cilan pointed out.

"Heheheh. The future is now thanks to science!" Clemont said while pushing his glasses up and making them flash white. "I thought we would encounter a situation precisely like this one. Clemontic gear on! I call it my dive-all-you-want machine. It gives you enough oxygen to dive as long as you want!"

"Another lame name." Bonnie said.

"Wow! Science is so amazing!" I exclaimed.

"Are you sure this one won't explode?" Serena asked doubtfully.

"Sure I'm sure!" Clemont replied.

"I guess we'll give it a try." Iris said.

So, we all put on the gear and dived into the water. We searched for a long time, but we couldn't find a single golden Magicarp. So, we went back to the surface. As soon as we got to the surface though, Clemont's machine just exploded. Everyone coughed as the machine exploded.

"And another one goes boom." Bonnie sighed.

"I was sure that it was going to work." Clemont said, sighing.

"I guess it's back to the drawing board." Bonnie said.

"Well, at least we were able to use it!" I said.

"Yeah!" Dawn said.

"Too bad we didn't find anything." Serena said.

"Don't worry! We'll just keep looking!" I said. "Don't give up until it's over!"

"You're right!" Serena brightened up.

"So let's just keep looking!" Iris said.

"Yeah!" Cilan said.

3 hours later...

"Big brother, I'm tired. Why do we have to keep on looking for the golden Magicarp today? We can look for it tomorrow." Bonnie complained to Clemont.

"Bonnie, we need to help Adam!" Clemont said.

"Clemont, Bonnie's right. We can look for the golden Magicarp again tomorrow. I think we should get some sleep." I told Clemont.

"I agree!" Serena chimed in.

Everyone else agreed too, so Clemont gave in.

"Fine... but I really want to help Adam." Clemont said.

"It's ok, I'm sure we'll find a golden Magicarp tomorrow!" I said.

"Mhm!" Brock agreed.

So everyone went to sleep.

Team Rocket POV

"Jessie, James, I think we should get some sleep. We can look for the golden Magicarp tomorrow." Meowth said.

"But we need to find it!" Jessie argued.

"Meowth's right. We've been looking everywhere but we still haven't found it. Maybe we'll have better luck tomorrow." James said.

"Fine, but we're getting up early tomorrow." Jessie said.

"Okay!" James and Meowth said.

Nobody POV

Everyone just woke up (Everyone as in Ash and his friends and Team Rocket). They didn't know this, but they were only a little bit away from each other. What will happen today? What adventures will they have?

I hope you like this story so far:) If you do, please make sure to vote. Also, comment down if I could maybe use some improvement. I'm sorry that it took me so long to post this, but with school, it might take awhile for me to post each chapter. Anyways, I'll see you soon, in the next chapter! Bye for now!

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