Chapter 9

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It is morning and Ash, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, Misty, Dawn, and Brock have just woken up. What adventures will they have today? They still have two more days till the semi-finals start. What will happen next? 

*Yawns* "Hey guys, what should we do today?" (Ash)

"I don't know, I want to have breakfast first." (Brock)

"Yeah, I'm hungry, too." (Misty)

"Me too." (Ash)

"Then, let's all go to a restaurant to eat!" (Clemont)

"I'm in!" (Serena)

"Let's go!" (Ash)

And so, Ash and all of his friends went to a nearby restaurant to eat.

*** Later, at the restaurant...

"I'm sorry, but we only have two things left in our restaurant. Cheeseburgers and Hotdogs. But, due to our short storage, I'm afraid all of you can only pick one thing for all of you to eat. Either cheeseburgers or hotdogs. Do you need some time to decide on which one you would like?" (Waiter)

"Yes, please." (Serena)

"Ok, just wave your hand when you've decided." (Waiter)

"Ok." (Ash)

"I can't believe we have to choose between cheeseburgers or hotdogs! This restaurant must be very popular if it only has those two foods left." (Brock)

"Yeah, what should we pick?" (Clemont)

"Let's eat cheeseburgers!" (Ash)

"No, I want hotdogs!" (Misty)

"Cheeseburgers are better!" (Ash)

"No, hotdogs are better!" (Ash)

Everyone sweat dropped as they watched them fight. But, in the end, they chose cheeseburgers. Serena waved to get the waiter's attention, and the waiter came over to their table.

"We would like to order 7 cheeseburgers, please." (Serena)

"I'm sorry, but we're out of cheeseburgers. We only have hotdogs left." (Waiter)

Everyone fell to the ground, anime style.

"Then, we'll have hotdogs!" Misty said, quickly getting up.

"Fine." (Ash)

And so, the group ate and headed back to the hotel.

"Ok, so, what should we do today?" (Dawn)

"I know! We can go to the shopping center in Lumiose City!" (Serena)

"Shopping?!" (Ash)

"Yay! Shopping!" (Dawn)

"Aww, I wanted to do something fun, not shopping." Ash complained.

"Shopping is fun." (Serena)

"Aww man, why do we have to go shopping?" Clemont groaned.

"Fine, we girls will go shopping while you guys can do something else." (Dawn)

"Yeah! Like some pokémon battles!" (Ash)

"I'm in! (Brock)

"Me too!" (Clemont)

And so, the gang went their separate ways with the girls going shopping and the guys doing pokémon battles. 

"So, Serena, where should we go first?" (Dawn)

"I don't know, maybe a clothes shop?" (Serena)

"Can we go to that shop first to buy some toys?" (Bonnie)

"Sure! (Serena and Dawn)


"Alright! Brock, let's battle!" (Ash)

"Sure, Ash." (Brock)

"Alright, Pidgeotto, I choose you!" (Ash)

"You have a Pidgeotto?" (Clemont)

"Yeah, I have a lot of pokémon from when I traveled to other regions." (Ash)

"Wow, that's so cool! How many pokémon do you have in total?" (Clemont)

"Well, I have 72 pokémon in total." (Ash)

"72?! That's a lot!" (Clemont)

"Yeah, how do you have so many?" (Brock)

"I just catch a lot of pokémon during my journey. Anyways, Brock, can we have a battle, now?" (Ash)

"Ok! Geodude, come on out!" (Brock)

"If you don't mind, I will be the referee." (Clemont)


Finally, as the sun was setting, the everyone re-grouped and went back to the hotel.

"So, how was your day?" (Ash)

"We had lots of fun! We bought a lot of clothes!" (Serena)

"Yeah, and Bonnie bought some new toys!" (Dawn)

"Yeah, big brother, look at them!" (Bonnie)

"Wow, Bonnie! That's a lot of toys!" (Clemont)

"I know, right? And when I'm a pokémon trainer, I'll be catching pokémon instead of playing with my toys!" (Bonnie)

"That's great, Bonnie! But I think we should get some sleep now. Tomorrow is another day where you might have adventures. We should rest first." (Clemont)

"Ok!" (Bonnie)

And so, the gang went to sleep not knowing what will happen tomorrow. But little did they know that something special was going to happen.

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