Chapter 23

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It was a beautiful morning, and I just woke up. *Yawns* I stretched and got up. I tried to wake Pikachu up, but he wouldn't budge. I sighed, why do I always have to wake Pikachu up with ketchup? Oh well. I waved a packet of ketchup in Pikachu's face and he finally woke up!

"Pika... Pikachu!" Pikachu said happily as he grabbed the ketchup and quickly ate it all up.

 Pikachu!" Pikachu said happily as he grabbed the ketchup and quickly ate it all up

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"Come on, Pikachu! Let's go say hello to the others!" I exclaimed.

"Pika pika!" Pikachu said happily. 

Pikachu is so cute, I'm so happy that I was late, so I could have Pikachu. Even, though he pratically hated me back then. But, we've became best friends, and I'm grateful for that. Hey, that reminds me, it's almost Thanksgiving! That  should be one of the things I'm grateful for. We walked out and saw the others. 

"Good morning everyone!" I said enthusiastically.

"Good morning!" Serena replied, "I made some pokepuffs for everyone's pokemon! ... And you can have some too, Ash!"

"Thanks, Serena!" I happily said as I put a pokepuff in my mouth, then, my mouth started to feel really hot, and I breathed out fire.

"Oww! Hot hot hot hot hot!" I said.

"Oh, Ash, that was a pokepuff made for fire types, like my delphox." Serena explained.

"Oops." I scratched my head, "At least I feel better now."

"Yeah." Serena replied, "Here, try this one!"

I took the pokepuff that Serena gave me and stuffed it in my mouth.

"Mmm, it tastes soo good! Thanks Serena!" I said happily. Now that I think of it, there's another thing that I'm grateful for: my wonderful friends! Especially Serena, she's super nice, and a great pokemon performer!

(Lol, I forgot about the others. Oh well.)

"Hey guys, what should we do for Thanksgiving?" I asked as our pokemon started eating the pokepuffs that Serena made.

"I don't know, maybe book a room at a hotel and have a nice dinner?" Misty suggested.

"Hmm, that's a great idea, but I think we should go to a pokemon breeding centre and learn how to breed pokemon!" Brock said.

"That's dumb. Only you want to go there." Misty shot back.

"Hey guys, calm down. Just chill." Cilan said while looking at Misty.

"Hmph!" Misty looked away.

"I have an idea! How about we first book a room at a hotel, then go to a pokemon breeding centre, and then have a nice dinner at a hotel!" I suggested.

"I'm okay with it!" Brock said.

"Well, at least we're not just going to a pokemon breeding centre." Misty said.

"Is everyone else okay with it?" I asked.

"Yup!" Everyone said.

Everyone finished their breakfast, and we headed out. Suddenly, we heard a voice, or should I say, two voices.

"Prepare for trouble"

"And make it double"

"To protect the world from devastation"

"To unite all people within our nations"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love"

"To extend our reach to the stars above"


"And James"

"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light"

"Surrender now or prepare for a fight!"

"Meowth, that's right!"


"Team Rocket! What are you doing here?!" I yelled angrily.

"Stealing your Pikachu, of course!" Jessie replied.

"Huh?" I looked around me and realized Pikachu was gone. "Give me back my Pikachu!"

"Looks like we finally outsmarted you!" James said triumphantly.

"Charizard, I choose you!" I shouted while tossing Charizard's pokeball into the air.

*Charizard roars*

"Charizard! Use flamethrower!" I commanded.

"Inkay/Gourgeist! Come on out and use psybeam/dark pulse!" Jessie and James commanded.

Nobody POV

The attacks collided and created smoke. They keep on battling until both Inkay and Gourgeist are knocked out. Ash's Charizard was just too strong for them. Then, Ash tells Charizard to use dragon claw on the glass case/jar that Team Rocket put Pikachu in. 

"Pika!" Pikachu cried happily as Ash caught him.

"Pikachu! You're safe!" Ash said happily while hugging Pikachu.

"Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!" Team Rocket shouted.

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