Chapter 8

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Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie decided to get together with Ash's old friends, Misty, Brock, and Dawn. Ash and Misty had both won their first battles. They decide to take a break, since they still have time before the semi-finals start. Right now, they're at the beach.

"It's been a long time since I've been to a beach. I forgot how nice it is here." (Ash)

"Yeah, me too." Everyone said at the same time, then they burst out laughing.

"So, what should we do?" (Ash)

"How about we go for a swim?" Brock suggested.

"Sure!" Everyone agreed. "Let's change into our swimsuits."

And so, they all changed into their swimsuits and went into the water. They played a game of tag in the water for awhile, then, Brock got distracted because he saw a lot of pretty girls wearing bikinis and ran over to them. And he asked if any one of them would go out with him. And well, it turned out that those girls were part of Gary's fan club. Gary got out of his car and went over to Ash.

"Yo, Ashy boy, let's have a battle. Let's see how strong you've become. You're probably still a loser. Hahaha." (Gary)

"I'm not a loser! And I'm going to win." (Ash)

"We'll see about that. We'll have a one on one battle, deal?" (Gary)

"Deal." Ash said confidently.

"Alright, then I'll be the referee." Clemont said. "This will be a one on one battle, the battle will be over when either side's pokémon are unable to battle. Are you both ready?"



"Then, battle begin!"

"Pikachu, I choose you!" (Ash)

"Blastoise, let's go!" (Gary)

"Pikachu, let's start off with thunderbolt!"

"Blastoise, use rapid spin so you won't get hit! Now use hydrocannon!"

"Pikachu, dodge and use quick attack!"

*** Pikachu wins

"Well, I guess you're not as weak as you used to be." (Gary)

"Of course I'm not. I've been training hard to win the Kalos league." (Ash)

"Well guess what, Ashy boy. I'm participating in the Kalos league too!" (Gary)

"What?! And stop calling me Ashy boy." (Ash)

"Anyways good luck in the Kalos league." Gary said as he walked away.

What was that about? Gary never said good luck to me before. I wonder why he did today. Eh, it probably is nothing. He probably changed his way of thinking after our battle. Ash thought.

The gang decided to head back to the hotel they were staying at to rest and train. Ash went outside to train while everyone else decided to relax a bit. After awhile, Ash went back inside and Clemont and Brock made dinner. Then, they ate dinner.

"Mmm this tastes so good!" Ash said while eating.

"You're right, it does taste good." Serena said, while taking a bite of the food.

***After they ate, they went to their rooms and went to sleep.

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