Chapter 17

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Serena POV

"Guys! Can we go to this place? I really want to go to the Hotsprings!" I asked everyone.

"Sure!" They all replied.

"Yayy!" I said excitedly.

We headed out.

With Team Rocket

"We finally finished making the stadium! Phase one of the plan is complete!" Jessie said.

"Now, we just need to fill this stadium with people, so we can trap them and steal their pokémon for the boss!" James said.

"Let's get moving and set up some advertisements!" Meowth said.

Serena POV

"Hey, what's this sign for?" I asked nobody in particular.

"What sign?" Ash asked.

"This one." I said, pointing to the advertisement.

"Hmm it says something about a battle arena where trainers can go, and battle!" Ash said.

"Really? Are you going to go?" I asked.

"I would, but you wanted to go to the hot springs, so let's go there first. There's no time limit to the stadium, anyway." Ash said.

"Are you sure? We could always go to the hot springs later." I said.

"I'm sure!" He smiled and said. "I can always go battle later."

"Thank you!" I said happily.

"What happened?" Everyone else asked as they caught up to me and Ash.

"Oh, nothing. We were just talking about this advertisement." I said.

"Oh, ok." everyone said.

"Anyways, let's go!" Ash said as he took off running.

"Kay!" Bonnie said.

Nobody POV

Everyone ran to catch up to Ash. Little did they know, that they were the only ones who didn't go to the stadium and were the only ones who didn't get trapped by Team Rocket.

"Yess! Look at how much trainers came! Now we can steal all their pokémon!" James exclaimed.

"Yeah! They all look so scared while Meowth is collecting their pokémon. Hahaha!" Jessie laughed.

"I wonder how many pokémon we'll have by the time Meowth finishes collecting all the pokeballs." James wondered.

"It doesn't matter. This time we'll finally not fail! And we'll be the boss's favorites!" Jessie said happily.

"Yeah!" James also said happily.

On the way to the hot springs, our heros came across a huge stadium. It looked like the same stadium on the advertisement.

"Hey, that's the stadium!" Ash said.

"Yeah!" Serena said. "Since we're here, we can check it out to see what it's like, then head to the hot springs."

"Sure! Great idea!" Ash said enthusiastically.

The gang headed towards the stadium, and what the saw wasn't pretty. They saw a big cage that trapped everyone inside. They also saw Meowth collecting people's pokeballs. 

"Hey, isn't that Meowth?" Ash asked.

"Yeah! That means Team Rocket built this stadium to capture pokémon." Brock said.

"We need to help them!" Iris said.

"Right!" Serena said.

Our heroes hurried to stop Team Rocket.

"Stop right there!" Ash shouted.

"Huh?" Jessie, James and Meowth said, dumbfounded.

"It's the twerps!" Meowth said.

"Why is there so many of them?" James asked

"Who cares? We need to stop them!" Jessie said.

Team Rocket jumped down and said their motto.

"Prepare for trouble"

"And make it double"

"To protect the world from devastation"

"To unite all people within our nation"

"To announce the evils of truth and love"

"To extend our reach to the stars above"


"And James"

"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight"

"Meowth that's right"


"Team Rocket! Give everyone back their pokémon now!" Ash shouted.

"Why would we do that?" Jessie said.

"Gourgeist, come on out!"

"Inkay! Let's go!"

"Pikachu! Use thunderbolt!"

"Pika chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

"Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!" Team Rocket shouted.


"Now that that's taken care of, let's give everyone back their pokémon!" Ash said.

"Ok!" Everyone said.


"Now, let's go to the hot springs!" Serena said.


"We're finally here!" Serena exclaimed.

"Alright! Let's go in the water!" Bonnie squealed.

Everyone got into the hot spring and had a great time.

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