Chapter 20

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It's morning! I have to help Adam find a golden Magicarp! But first, I have to wake Pikachu up.

"Pikachu! It's time to get up!" I told Pikachu.

"Pii...kaa..." Pikachu mumbled.

Hmm, it seems like Pikachu doesn't want to get up. I know! I waved a packet of ketchup in front of Pikachu and he instantly got up.

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed, reaching for the ketchup packet.

Looks like my plan worked! I gave Pikachu the ketchup and headed to where the others were with Pikachu running after me.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed.

"Hi, Ash!" Serena said.

"Hi!" Bonnie said.

"I hope we can find a golden Magicarp today!" Dawn said.

"Me too!" Brock and Misty said.

"Yeah, same! So let's go after we eat breakfast!" I said.

"Ok!" Bonnie said happily.

"I made breakfast!" Clemont told us.

So, we sat down and started to eat breakfast.

"Wow! This stuff is so good!" I said while stuffing my mouth with what Clemont cooked.

"Thanks, Ash!" Clemont said happily.

We all finished breakfast and headed back on the road.

With Team Rocket 

"Ugh, James, let's go find that golden Magicarp already! Stop sitting there admiring your bottle cap collection and help us pedal!" Jessie complained.

"But Jessie, I need to count how many I have!" James said.

"You can do that later, we need to find the golden Magicarp before the twerps do." Meowth said.

"Fine, let's go." James reluctantly said, while putting his bottle caps away.

Team Rocket pedaled in their Magicarp submarine, hoping to find the golden Magicarp. After a while, they felt that they couldn't pedal anymore. The pedals were stuck!

"Oh no! Jess, I think the pedals are stuck!" James said.

"You're right, James. What are we going to do now?" Jessie asked.

"I don't know, ask Meowth." James replied.

"Meowth, what should we do?" Jessie asked.

"Meowth! Don't ask me! How would I know?" Meowth said.

Suddenly, they felt something bump their submarine. They looked through the window and saw an angry Garados staring angrily at them. 

"Uh oh, that looks like one angry Garados!" Meowth said nervously.

"Yeah." James agreed.

Then, the Garados used it's tail and knocked Team Rocket's submarine away, along with them.

"Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!" Team Rocket shouted while blasting off.  

Brock POV

When are we going to find the golden Magicarp? Oh! It's almost lunchtime! 

"Hey guys! It's almost lunch! I'll go make lunch!" I said to everyone.

"Ok Brock!" Ash said happily.

I went to make lunch with my favorite frying pan. Soon, I was done and went back to everyone else. 

"I made sushi for everyone!" I exclaimed.

"Yummy!" Ash said.

Everyone digged in and ate their shares of sushi.  They all thought it tasted delicious and wanted more. So, I happily made more for everyone.

"Here, guys! You can all have seconds if you want!" I said.

"Yay!" Everyone cheered except for Clemont. In fact, he looked... depressed. I went up to him and asked him what's wrong, and he looked away and said, 'nothing'. Then I knew something was up but he wouldn't tell me. Maybe I'll tell Ash about his behavior later and maybe he can talk to Clemont.

Clemont POV

Everyone seems to really like Brock's cooking. It tastes good but... I really want people to think my cooking is really good too and want seconds. I guess I'm feeling a bit jealous. Fine, maybe a lot jealous. Ok, I made up my mind, next time, I'm going to cook and make something that tastes really good! And then, everyone will like my cooking better then Brock's!


Brock just told me what happened with Clemont and asked if I could talk to him. I guess I'll try talking to Clemont. I just hope that he'll tell me why he is so depressed. I did notice that he was a bit down then usual, but I thought that he was just thinking about his inventions. But now I know something's up. But what? I guess I'll just find out. I walked over to where Clemont was sitting. He seemed to be deep in thought.

"Hey Clemont!" I said.

"Oh, hey Ash." Clemont said.

"Brock just told me that you seemed depressed, and thought that maybe I could talk to you and help you feel better!" I told him.

"Oh..." Clemont trailed off.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's just..." Clemont said.

"It's ok, you can tell me." I said.

"It's just... everyone seems to really like Brock's cooking, and asked for seconds. I want everyone to like my cooking just as much as Brock's or even better." Clemont sighed.

"Well, I like your cooking just as much as I like Brock's cooking!" I said cheerfully.

"Really?" Clemont seemed unconvinced.

"Yeah!" I said.

Clemont POV

"Yeah!" Ash said.

Hmm, I know! I'll just ask Brock if we could have a cooking contest! And whoever gets the most votes from our friends will be the better cook!

"Hey, Ash, do you think Brock and I could have a cooking contest?" I asked.

"Sure!" Ash said. "Do you want me to tell Brock or you tell Brock?"

"I'll do it!" I said.

"Ok!" He said.

I walked to where Brock was and said...

"Hi, Brock!" I said.

"Oh, Hi Clemont!" He replied.

"I was uh... wondering... if you and I could have a... cooking contest!" I said.

"A cooking contest?" Brock asked.

"Yeah... to see who cooks better." I explained.

"Oh, sure!" Brock said.

"Yay! So, when should we have the contest?" I asked.

"I don't know, you can decide." Brock said.

"Ok, how about tomorrow?" I suggested.

"Sure! Why not?" Brock agreed.

I'm so excited for tomorrow! I'd better think of something really good to cook!

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