Chapter 15

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It's 8:00 o'clock already? I'll just get up and make some breakfast. I'm really hungry. I went downstairs and saw that everyone was already up and eating breakfast. I said hi and went to eat as well. I was happy that I didn't get shocked by Pikachu this time. I wish this happened every morning. But, no. I always get electrocuted by Pikachu. But I guess it helps me wake up.

"Hey, guys! What should we do today?" I asked everyone.

"I don't know, maybe head out and continue traveling together?" (Brock)

"That's a good idea!" (Iris)

"Ok, sure! But, can we go to Pallet town to travel? I want to visit my mom, and maybe we can have some adventures there, just like when I traveled with Brock and Misty!"

"That sounds great!" Serena said, and smiled.

Hmm why didn't I notice this before? Serena looks great when she smiles. It's like she can light up the whole universe with that smile. That smile always cheers me up. I'm happy that we're friends.

"So, when should we go to Pallet town?"

"Maybe tomorrow, we still have to pack our stuff." (Clemont)

"Ok! I'm going to tell my mom that we're coming to Pallet town tomorrow!"

"Ok!" (Dawn)

I got my phone out and dialed my mom's phone number. I waited for her to pick up.

Delia POV

Huh? Someone's calling me. I'll go see who it is. OMG! It's my little Ash! He finally called me!

"Ash! You finally called me! Have you been well? And have you been changing your underwear everyday? I was so worried about you."

"Mom, you know I can take care of myself now. Oh, and I called to let you know that my friends and I will be coming to Pallet town to visit tomorrow and maybe have some adventures together just like how I had adventures with Brock and Misty." (Ash)

"Oh, I remember them! They were nice kids! I'm so happy you're coming to visit tomorrow! I can't wait for you to come! I'll make sure to cook your favorite dinner!"

"Ok! Thanks mom! I can't wait to see you tomorrow! I'll start packing now!" (Ash)

"Ok, sweetie! See you tomorrow!"

"Bye mom!" (Ash)

The next day...


We're finally in Pallet town! I can't wait to get home!

"I'll race you to our house, Pikachu!"


"Hey Ash, wait for us!" (Misty)

"Haha, you'll have to catch up to me first!"

Yes! I beat Pikachu there!

"Mom! I'm home!"

"Ash! You're here! But where are the others?" (Delia)

"Hi, Mrs. Ketchum!" (Misty)

"Hi, everyone!" (Delia)

"Hi!" (Serena)

"Wait, Serena, you're the Kalos queen, now, right?" (Delia)

"Yeah!" (Serena)

"Congratulations!" (Delia)

"Thank you!" (Serena)

"Oh, I'm sorry, come on in, guys! I made you all lunch!" (Delia)

"Yum! Thanks mom!"

Wow! My mom's cooking always tastes so good!

"Wow, mom! This tastes so good!"

"Why thank you, Ash!" (Delia)

Clemont, Brock, and Cilan POV

Wow! Ash's mom cooks so well! This tastes so good! I wonder what her recipe is. I would love to learn it!

"Mrs. Ketchum, this tastes super good! Can you perhaps teach me your recipe?" Clemont, Brock, and Cilan said at the same time.

"I'm glad you like it! And of course! I'll teach all three of you my recipe!" (Delia)

"Thanks!" Clemont, Brock, and Cilan said in unison again. Then, they burst out laughing.

One lunch later...

Serena POV

Yum! This was the best lunch ever! I'm so glad that Ash suggested that we go to Pallet town. I thought as I listened to Ash, Misty, and Brock tell us about their adventures here in Kanto.

"... and that's some of our adventures!" Ash concluded.

"Wow! I hope we can have some awesome adventures here too!" I said.

"Yeah! That would be fun!" Bonnie said excitedly.

"Then, we can leave here tomorrow and explore Kanto! Even though I've already explored it, it would still be fun!" Ash said.

"Yeah! I'll still have fun!" Brock said.

"I just hope that team rocket doesn't try to steal Pikachu. But, that's probably not possible." Misty sighed.

"It's ok, I won't let team rocket have Pikachu." Ash said.

"Pika pika!"

"I know! We can stop by Viridian City tomorrow to see Goh! He's one of my friends!"

"Cool! I can't wait to meet some more people!" Bonnie exclaimed.

7 hours later...


"I think we should get some sleep now, cause tomorrow we'll head out in the morning." I said.

"Ok! Good night, everyone!" Serena said.

"Good night!" Bonnie said.

The next day...

"Hey, Pikachu! Wake up! We need to leave early today!" I said while thinking it was very strange that I had to wake Pikachu up today, because usually it's Pikachu that wakes me up.

"Pika..." Pikachu said. He tried to get up, but... he just fell back down and went to sleep. It was pretty clear that Pikachu was still tired.

"I'll give you ketchup if you get up!" I said, trying to get Pikachu to get up.

As Pikachu heard the word 'ketchup', he quickly got up. "Pika pika!"

"Ok, Pikachu! Let's get ready and head downstairs so I can give you your ketchup."

"Pika chu pika!"

30 minutes later...

Nobody POV

As soon as they were done their breakfast, the gang headed out for Viridian City.

"I can't wait to get to Professor Cerise's lab and see Goh!" Ash said excitedly.

"Are we almost there yet?" Bonnie asked.

"Yup! The lab's right over there!" Ash told her.

"Yay! I'll meet some new people!" Bonnie said excitedly.

6 minutes later...

"We're here!" Ash said.


We're finally at professor Cerise's lab! I can't wait to see Goh! I opened the door.

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