Chapter 18

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Ash and his friends got out of the hot spring feeling relaxed. They were up for an adventure, but where were they going to go? Suddenly, they bumped into Gary.

"Ashy boy?" Gary said, surprised.

"Gary! What are you doing here?" Ash asked.

"Just minding my own business. What about you, Ashy boy?" Gary smirked.

"Don't call me Ashy boy! And for your information, I'm traveling with my friends." Ash said.

"But didn't you already travel around Kanto before?" Gary wondered.

"Yeah, but some of my friends wanted to come here so that's why I'm here." Ash explained.

"Then can I join you?" Gary asked.

"Fine." Ash said.

"Alright! Ashy boy and I are going to travel together!" Gary exclaimed.

"I told you to not call me Ashy boy! And by the way, what happened to your cheerleading fans?" Ash asked Gary.

"Uh... don't ask..." Gary said.

"Fine..." Ash said.


"I want to go somewhere! Do you guys know anywhere that we can go to?" I asked.

"I want to visit the aquarium!" Misty exclaimed.

"I'm in!" Serena said.

"Ok then, I guess we're going to the aquarium." I said.

"Yay!" Misty said happily.

"Unless anyone else has any ideas?" I smirked.

"Hey! You said we were going to go to the aquarium. You'd better not change your mind, Ash Ketchum, or else you'll regret it." Misty said angrily.

"Ok, ok, chill, I was just teasing you. No need to get angry." I said.

"Good." Was all Misty said.

"She's scary, isn't she?" Gary teased me.

Then, Misty turned on Gary. "I'm not scary! Just stop or else you'll get hit on the head by my mallet." Misty said angrily again.

"Uh... no thanks, I don't want to get hit by your mallet." Gary said nervously.

"Then don't start calling me scary, got it?" Misty told.

"Ok, Misty..."Gary sighed.

"Now, let's go to the aquarium!" Misty said.

"She sure changes emotions quickly, right Ash?" Serena whispered to me.

"Yeah." I whispered back.

Nobody POV

The gang headed off towards the aquarium. They soon got there and went inside.

"OMG! Look at all the water pokémon!" Misty squealed.

"Um, haven't you been to the aquarium before?" Dawn asked.

"Sure I have, but seeing water pokémon always makes me happy." Misty told her.

"Oh, cool!" Dawn exclaimed.

They all walked around for a little while, looking at exhibits. Soon, Ash asked,

"Can we get something to eat now? I'm starving!" Ash complained.

"Fine, but I just want to see one more thing." Misty said.

"Ok, then." Ash sighed.  

The gang looked at one more exhibit, then headed off to eat. After the ate, Ash bumped into a man who looked like he was in a hurry.

"Oops, sorry!" Ash exclaimed.

"That's ok, what's your name?" The man asked.

"I'm Ash Ketchum, of Pallet town! And these are my friends, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, Iris, Cilan, Brock, Dawn, Misty and Gary!" Ash said.

"Hmm, you might be the one who can help me. Can I ask you a favor?" The man asked.

"Sure! But could you first maybe tell us your name too?" Ash asked.

"Oh yeah! How could I have forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Adam Cowall!" The man said.

"Nice to meet you!" Ash said.

"Now, my favor is, could you help me catch a golden Magicarp?" Adam asked hopefully.

Ash discussed this with his friends, asking if they agreed.

"I'm not sure if we'll be able to succeed, but we'll try!" Ash said.

"Thank you! I want one because my wife really wanted a golden Magicarp. She says that it will bring whoever has one good luck." Adam said.

"Wow!" Misty said.

"We'll do our best!" Brock said.

"I'm counting on you!" Adam said.


"Did you hear that?" Jessie asked.

"That man said that whoever has the golden Magicarp will have good luck!" James replied.

"So, we'll have to catch it before they do!" Meowth said.

"Right." Jessie said.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Meowth exclaimed.

"Yeah!" James said.

Suddenly, the branch they were on collapsed. And, they fell.

"OOF!" They all shouted.

Anyways, now, Ash and his friends and Team Rocket were both going to be trying to find the golden Magicarp. What will happen next? We will see.

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