Ch. 4

177 11 5

Nova's POV

Left in complete shock I stayed facing the wall. The man who murdered my sister...was my soulmate. What kind of twisted shit was this?

"No..." I whispered quietly still in shock. I could now hear his footsteps, it was like thunder...he had one thing in his path and on his mind, and that was me. He says two words into what I'm guessing is a earpiece in his ear.

"Step down." Hearing his voice was like inhaling a drug, he had a deep raspy tone. He was also very assertive, the dominance in his voice was like a tall wall of steel. There was no getting pass his words.

"If I say step down...step the fuck down from the mission," he mutters with a low irritated tone. It goes silent for a minute and the environment becomes heavy.

"It's disrespectful to keep your back turned to the heir to the throne," he states in a neutral cold tone. When he mentioned disrespect I felt my blood boil...he had some nerve to bring up disrespect, but I stayed silent slowly turning around to look him in the eyes.

He was a lot closer than I expected, he wasn't standing right in my face...but he was close enough to where I could see some of the small details of his face, like the freckles he had that covered his checks and nose, his sharp jawline, the veins running through his arms and hands, the light hazel eyes he had that still managed to have a hard look of steel to them along with a underlying chaotic pool of emotions.

"Got damnit Cavalier what the hell are you doing? Tranquilize her already and bring her to the damn cells," I hear a rather deep voice state, this voice had a lot more emotion and life to it than Cavalier's but his words caused a sense of fear to run through my veins.

So they knew why I was here?

"Ah Zion, you haven't got to meet my lovely mate yet...Zion meet...sorry what's your name again?" I can hear the sarcasm and irritation running through his voice so instead of responding to him I scrunch my eyebrows together and cross my arms tightly over my body shooting Zion a hard look.

There's no way I can make a run for it...two of the world's most powerful men are standing right in front of me. I was a lot of things but definitely not a damn idiot.

"She's not much of a talker...but that's good. I'm not a fan of chatty of people," Zion is examining me with shocked eyes before looking back at Cavalier staying quiet.

"Fuck you." I state harshly curling my lip up slightly, I can see Cavalier's eyes raise slightly along with his eyebrows. People most definitely kiss this man's ass.

"Already? We've just met-" before he could finish his arrogant, egotistical comment another man approaches where we are at with his hands behind his back.

"Uncle Aiden," Zion acknowledges bowing his head slightly in respect of the king that had entered the room.

Cavalier stayed quiet keeping his eyes on me but I could see he had visibly turned his dominance posture down a bit when his father entered the room.

"Why are we still standing around? Take her to the cells," Aiden states in a hard assertive manner.


Aiden cuts his eyes at Cavalier leaving no room for conversation on the topic and soon there's two male guards on each side of me holding my hands behind my back, I growled quietly jerking my hands away from them only for their grip to tighten. I could hear was sounded like a low grunt leaving Cavalier's mouth as the guards harshly grabbed onto me but would he dare make a move against his father's words?

Of course not

Reluctantly following them around the castle we end up on a bottom floor, going through multiple security checks we finally go through a long hall full of guards with sharp weapons. 

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