Ch. 5

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NOVA's POV (this chapter is not edited)

I sat in a large wooden chair that had a soft cushion on the bottom, behind a large dark wooden desk. I looked around and saw many different frames on the black walls, this office room truly was a beautiful sight.

I look over my left shoulder through my curls which had started to frizz after everything I've went through in the past few hours, my left eye had shut completely and I could feel the dry blood over it also holding it shut...I knew it had to be a gruesome sight. But through my right eye which scanned my surroundings I could see Cavalier and Zion talking to each other which seemed to be telepathic. Mind linking? What they're saying must be important.

I sigh and look down into my lap ignoring the throbbing sensation of pain throughout my body, I was so sore I didn't know exactly which areas were sore...and right now I had to world's worst headache.

I wasn't able to massage my temples due to the heavy metal handcuffs on my wrist which were too tight for my liking, they rubbed and tugged against my skin as if begging yo start a bruise in the area. But I was not going to break the silence that had fell over the room like a cold sheet on a bed.

"Nova?" I hear my name be called from Zion, cutting my eyes harshly but not lifting my head once I watch as Cavalier comes to take a seat in the black leather office chair in front of me.

I ignore Zion's call of my name and quickly look back into my lap glaring harshly at my legs that were now showing in the once beautiful dress, now torn and tainted.

"There's no sense in playing the silent game now," Zion states and I could hear the eye roll based off how he worded his words. I gripped my hands into tight fists and chose to stay silent once again.

"Zion? Remember what I told you?" Cavalier says...the calm tone could slice through even the hardest of steel. Zion stayed quiet for a minute before chuckling and I watched as he rose his hands up in defense taking a couple of steps back before turning on his feet.

"Have fun cousin," he states exiting the room and leaving me and my mate alone for the first time since we've met.

His eyes stayed on me for a couple of seconds before I heard a humorless laugh leave his mouth. He spins his chair slightly resting his arms on the back of his head and his legs spread apart as he looks at me with a menacing smirk. Nothing like the warm smiles you usually hear about the other royals.

"Who would've thought my mate would be my little thief," he says more to himself than to me. I lift my head up and take a deep breath as I sit up straight in my chair, I watched his eyes watch me in amusement...also watching how they lingered over my left eye

"Who would've thought I'd be mated to a cold blooded killer." I growl, my lips curling up a bit, I felt nothing but hatred as I watched this man study me like I'm some new treat for a dog.

"Well're no saint yourself, I'm guessing mommy and daddy didn't teach you taking things that aren't bad, but lucky you I'm not in a punishing mood."

He taunted me, this man obviously held no respect for me as a person.

"Fuck you," I growl out holding his intense eye contact with the one eye I had available. After silence fell over us once again he stands up and walks behind my chair.

"Come on little spitfire." He states turning my chair away from his desk and standing with his hands held behind his back. If he thought I was going to listen to any command he gave me he was surely mistaken.

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