Ch. 1

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The sun is alone yet it still why can't I?

  He stands in the pitch dark with nothing but a dart board and many varieties of throwing knives, with his favorite being his tossing cards.

  He closes both eyes and releases a relaxed breath before throwing the steel dagger with both eyes shut....landing perfectly in the middle of the board.

He opens his calculating eyes and frowns in displeasure still not pleased with the perfectly aimed toss...simply because it didn't penetrate the wall behind.

He swiftly picks up another one of the same daggers and steps back a couple of feet turning the opposite way while also shutting both eyes once again. And in less than a second he tosses the dagger behind him towards the board.

But instead of touching the board the dagger hits the wall piercing completely through leaving a small circular hole.

"You could've put my fucking eye out ya bastard." His close friend acknowledges feeling his small cut wound on his head heel on the spot.

You probably think it's a coincidence he missed, but he purposely aimed away knowing his friend would enter the room at the exact same time he prepares to throw the dagger. But of course he couldn't let his friend get away with disturbing his alone time, so he made sure the dagger would at least cut him.

"But I didn't...I should've though." He mumbles the last part to his self whilst walking up to his table full of weapons grabbing another.

Zion ignores the second part and rolls his eyes licking his own blood away from the thumb he had touched it with, "Asshole...anyways I thought you would want to know that she has interfered with our gun trade again."

His devilish smirk returns to his cold face and within the flash of lightning he had three metal playing cards in-between his fingers all shot at the same time hitting three of his dart boards all one by one perfectly in the middle...and each had penetrated the wall behind. 

"So she finally decided to return after I shot her in the leg last time she made the decision to steal from me?" He chuckles out in that deep raspy voice of his almost excited at the fact his little spitfire decided to give him yet another visit.

"She also shot Milo in the exact same place you shot her...with the exact same bullet you used, but this time she left a note." Zion explains handing the wrinkled up paper to his best friend while leaning against the wall with a toothpick in between his pearly white teeth and a single curl dancing in front of his eyes.

"It was kind of funny one really expected her to actually shoot one of us. She's really bold," Zion laughs out and Milo out of no where pops up growling at Zion.

"It's not funny...she laced the damn bullet with fucking white oak," Milo who rarely speaks comments rubbing the bruise. They continue back and forth before Cavalier shushes the two with a single look.

Cavalier examines the paper before taking it hesitantly looking over the perfect cursive writing of three big words in bold black ink.

'Miss me bitch?'

The small quiet laughter that he released was everything but humorous. He balled the paper into his hand and what came out was nothing but gray and black ashes along with small flame sparks.

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