Ch. 11

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Nova's POV

After Cavalier had saved me he lead me back into the royal wing. He stopped and turned to face me examining me closely, him and princess Jaylyn got into a bit of a small I was not allowed to listen to but I'm guessing it has something to do with whoever the hell Vaatu is.

"What we're you doing at the border?" Cavalier asks me, a bit of anger was laced around his nonchalant tone but he honestly hid it very well.

"Why should you care?" I ask in return. This was the same man that had completely ghosted me for the past two days and now he was questioning  me on my whereabouts?

Some mate I have.

"Stop being childish Nova and answer my question," he states rolling his eyes as he leaned against his dresser staring knives into my eyes.

"I don't have to answer anything you ask me, you're not my damn parent," I spit out crossing my arms over my chest and giving him back the same cold stare.

"You're being immature, and I'm only going to give you one more time to answer the question."

"Bite me bitch."

He stared at me for maybe a second longer before I blinked and I was pressed against the wall quite harshly. He had my hands pinned above my head with one hand and the other hand placed firmly against my waist.

"You're testing me...why?" He asks in a low voice, looking down onto me, but this time I didn't meet his gaze. I didn't want to feel weak again, I stayed quiet and looked down at the ground with a poker face.

I felt his hand leave my waist before it was gently but firmly placed under my chin guiding my head  up to meet his eyes.

"Like I said...I don't have to answer to you." I state quietly meeting his gaze once again. Cavalier was in full control of his body and I knew he was holding a lot of self control within his body.

His grip tightened on me and he took a deep breath closing his eyes softly before looking down at the ground. "Why do you have so much hatred towards me when you are the one who has been stealing from me and my people? I understand my hatred...I do not however understand yours Nova."

Did I make it that obvious I hated him? I thought I've been doing well hiding it.

"I've been giving you space and allowing you to free roam even after what all you and your people have done in the past..." he says again not giving me time to speak up. This is the most I've heard him say since I've been here. And there was a unknown guilt in my conscience but that was soon covered with anger.

He is a murderer. And here he is not understanding why I have a hatred towards him? As he spoke more and more anger built up inside of me and it was about to boil over.

"I wouldn't force you to be here if there wasn't a chance you would go back to them and give them psychopaths information on my family's home...information on where my younger brother rests his head at night...where my own mother birthed all thr- both of us." I could hear the change in his sentence and I felt anger fill up in his body and his grip on me stayed stern.

"So now I have two questions..." he says in almost a whisper looking back up into my eyes. "Why were you at the border...and why do you hate me so much?"

"You have some nerve..." I mutter trying to snatch my hands away from him. And as soon as I did try to remove myself he let go of his grip on me but didn't move a inch away from me.

"You ruined my life...and that doesn't just change because some fucking moon goddess mated us!" I could feel my voice rising in volume but I didn't care. I had so much frustration built up in my body.

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