Ch. 18

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As I ran deeper into the woods I could tell I was getting closer towards the border...lucky me this territory was no where near the size of the royal territory.

I had been gone about fifteen minutes at this time. As I jogged at a fast pace my heart started to pound and sweat was beginning to drip down my forehead.

I placed my hand up and wiped the drops away quickly so they wouldn't drop down and I would be tracked down by Cavalier.

I ran a little further before having to pull my jacket off because of how hot I was becoming, I mean I was running with a pretty heavy jacket on it was only common sense that I was going to get hot.

I looked forward and I realized I could hear my heart thumping quickly against my chest...was I nervous? Anxious?

Yes I was, I was actually terrified honestly.

I pushed myself to run faster though, by now I had broke out into a full pace run, and as I got further away from the pack house, and Cavalier I started feeling my chest close in a bit.

It felt like my heart was being squeezed actually. Then each step I started to take started to feel like electricity shocking my feet. I winced slightly slowing down as I looked down at the ground...soon that electricity started to feel like fire.

It felt as if my feet were on fire. I mean I had been running for some time now but I was well trained, I should be able to run for hours at a time with controlled breathing.

I felt myself gasp as the fire I was feeling shot up my legs and soon reached my abdomen. I groaned clenching my stomach as I doubled over stopping in the middle of the forest.

What was going on with me? Was Cavalier doing this? Had he realized I left?

"I told you not to leave Nova!" The voice stated didn't sound like my wolf but she did sound familiar. It was like a hollow echo, it caused my head to pound and throb in a painful pattern.

The burning sensation soon spread up my spine to my neck and I soon realized I no longer had control over holding my scent in. I was going to be caught...I can't be caught this early on. My vision was blurry and I felt extremely dizzy as I focused my eye sight on the ground below me which had started to spin.

I soon heard a loud growl which caused the birds in the tree to fly away. My heart dropped and my belly fluttered as I heard the noise. I knew it was Cavalier warning me to return to him...he was calling out for me.

I turned my head forward and realized I could hear loud footsteps approaching me very quickly. Right as I turned to my left I could see a large male approaching me with extreme speed, as he got closer I realized it was Zion.

"Nova! I need to get you out of here..." he says, he seemed very serious and soon he cut his head towards the direction of the pack house and it looked as if he was focusing.

"Now." He stated approaching me quickly and throwing me over his shoulder before running at extremely unnatural speeds towards the borderline. As his hands touched my body I felt almost another wave of extreme pain and heat rush over my body.

"Why are you taking me away! Put me down!" I object, punching at his back.

"I'm saving all of our lives right now...if you're anywhere near Cavalier in heat while he's in that state, he'd kill everything between you and him in the area." Zion explains not losing his pace at all. Wait did he just say I was in heat? I thought I couldn't go in heat without being in contact with my wolf.

"Moon-goddess be with us...we do not need another massacre ," he mutters.

"Shit shit....where is uncle Caden.." just as he states those words I looked up from Zion's shoulder and I could see Cavalier eyes behind us. And they were dilated to a very abnormal size. One seemed pitch black, and the other one was the same absent grey color I had seen before.

Lord...I felt like I needed to be in his arms right at this moment. I wanted to be with my his presence.

Just as he was closing in on us I felt me and Zion almost levitate before we dropped back down. Opening my eyes and looking around I realized I was back in the royal palace..."h-how?"

"You took too long! He was almost this close to having my head on a claw" Zion complains crossing his arms. I looked around to see I was in a room with Prince Caden, Prince Damien, and Milo.

"Pussy." Milo mutters from the wall he was leaned against, he walked over to where we were before his nose scrunched up and he halted.

I looked around at everybody and soon all eyes were on me. Zion and Milo were holding their noses and backing away from me as if I had some kind of disease.

"Are you ok?" Zion starts to ask before his father interrupts.

"Don't talk to her." Prince Damien scolds his son immediately. I probably looked confused at this point.

How the hell did we teleport back here?

"Not a single male is to say a word to her...we do not know how possessive Cavalier is going to be, and with his mate in heat he is bound to be more destructive than usual." Damien orders in an end of the discussion tone towards his son.

"Well Aiden is dealing with Cavalier now." Caden cuts in as his eyes fogged over...I was supposed to be running away. But no the moon goddess just hates me enough to where I had to go into heat before I could even leave the territory.

"and it appears as if he has him...they won't be here until early tomorrow morning though," Caden turns to eye me down before placing his hand under his chin in almost a thinking manner before crossing his arms sternly, "We should probably lock her in Cavalier's so she doesn't run again, two her being surrounded by his scent would put her at ease, and three Cavalier can't break into that room due to the immense security on it."

And with that I was placed in Cavalier's room by myself. I was still a bit warm, but Caden was right, being surrounded by his scent and belongings calmed my pain down. I didn't know how long this heat was going to last but I was hoping it ended quite quickly.

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