Ch. 9

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Cavalier's POV (short chapter)

Something I haven't felt a day in my life washed over me while I sat in the office of our warehouse. I felt sick to my stomach, I growled lowly as I felt the urge to throw up and laid my head down onto the table. I was sweating and highly agitated, as soon as I heard the door knob twist on the door I looked up with dilated eyes and a obvious pissed on expression.

But of course it was Zion.

"Damn you look...dead and you haven't even crossed to immortality yet." as much as I wanted to throw a dagger In between his eyes if I even thought of moving I was going to throw up everything I've ate today.

"My apologies but I don't remember asking what the fuck you think I look like..."

"Oo...somebody is grumpy, the little thief has that much of a hold on you?" I growled with a eye roll and let my head rest in my arms hiding my face away so Zion can't see how sick I really feel right now, I seriously felt sicker than I did after my first shift. Why the hell was I feeling like this?

"She doesn't have shit on me," I mutter closing my eyes.

"Uh huh we-" before he can finish his sentence someone rushes in the room with a look of horror on their face. I raise a eyebrow and Zion looks over at him with a pretty annoyed expression, I don't see how people think I'm the mean one out of all of us. He's worst than me in my opinion.

"Well...spit it out." Zion states propping himself up with his hands on his hips.

"Uhm...sir, I-"

I groan and sit up by propping my elbows onto the desk and rubbing my temples, "for the sake of everyone accusing me of being the meanest royal member in this lovely little territory...I'm not going to say anything out of pocket. What the hell is wrong Tater?"

Seriously? Why was I labeled that? My mother is quite a rude person when you get on her bad side. Actually...maybe I enjoy being mean.

"It's Sailor-" my eyes widen instantly and my expression goes serious.

"Spit it out before I fucking rip your tongue out of your mouth." I growl clenching my fists...completely forgetting about whatever illness I was feeling.

"Well you've done it now," Zion states.

"We can't find him- he was outside playing and then next-" ignoring every word that left his mouth I rushed over to the castle trying to track my little brother's scent. I could feel fear and anger sneak up inside of my body, a feeling I haven't felt since he was taken away from us.

Running through the royal wing and other rooms in the castle I grew frustrated, I had checked his entire room, the entire perimeter around the garden and the entire royal wing.

It was night time, someone with his ranks and at his age shouldn't be roaming alone. And I blamed myself, my parents left me in charge of him but I've been too busy wrapped up stuff at the warehouse and this mate of mines to actually keep a eye on him so I had a couple of trusted people watch over him.

Frustrated I ran back into the building and tried to think of possible rooms I didn't check, and eventually there was a few rooms left. The house cleaning wing and the rooms surrounding the royal wing. As I was searching for him I realized my mate was no where to be found either, had someone taken her and him?

Had she ran away with my brother as hostage? I'd hate for that to have happened because then I'd have to kill my own mate.

I stopped rushing around in a frenzy and took a deep breath gathering my inner thoughts and trying to calm down. I wouldn't find neither of them in this state. I closed my eyes and accessed my inner hybrid, he stepped forward and started to help me search for them.

Eventually listening to the sound of all the heartbeats I could spit my brothers and another's with him. It had to of been her.

I didn't trust her at all, she came from enemy lands...who knew what she was up to?

I rushed my way to where they was at and I was lead to a living area right outside of the royal wing, pushing open the two large doors I looked around quickly ready to rip anyone to shreds over Sailor when my eyes landed on the large couch by the window.

My whole body relaxed and I took in one of the most beautiful sights I've ever saw. There was sailor curled up into my mates chest under a blanket sucking his thumb as she had a arm wrapped around him and her hand placed on the back of his head securely as if she was protecting him.

The room in here was freezing but oddly they looked so warm and at ease. I looked over at the tv to see a movie I've never seen before playing. I walked closer to where they was at and squatted down taking a deep breath, as I took in the sight of the two sleeping peacefully I felt every ounce of sickness leake out of me.

"You damn spitfire." I whisper,  reaching my hands up to rub Sailor's head before looking at her tense sleeping expression, I tilted my head before hesitantly reaching my hand up to push some of her curls away from her face. As my finger brushed against her soft skin I could see her relax unconsciously. I sighed and pulled the blanket off of them, grabbing my brother and placing his head down onto my shoulder. She looked so drained, her eyes opened slightly as my brother was taken away from her but she her eyes looked up at me she didn't fight anything and fell back to sleep pulling the blanket closer to her.

"I like her..." my brother said sleepily. I hummed in response to him not really knowing what to say as I carried him away and into my room tucking him in.

"Do you like her Mickey?" He asks me with droopy brown eyes.

"You can't like somebody you barely know," I state ruffling his hair. He pushed my hand away and stuck his tongue out before closing his eyes again. And I did feel that way, how could I like her and I just met her? For all I know she's here on a mission to kill all of us.

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