Ch. 10

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NOVA's POV (two days later)

Oh my fucking gosh.

I looked around and all I could see were roses. Beautiful roses actually, all were a deep shade of red and each caught my eye. Staff were entering in and out of the palace with all kinds of roses...I wouldn't be surprised if they walked through with roses carved like elephants.

I stood on the third step from the bottom of the beautifully curved stairwell and looked around with wide curious eyes. I didn't plan on speaking to anybody, and honestly I've stuck by that since that altercation with Cavalier. I had to mentally gather my thoughts and I was still trying to decide whether or not that dream with my sister was actually a dream or was she reaching out to me.

And I know you're probably like "Nova...there are people shifting into literally four legged furry creatures but you don't believe someone from the dead could be reaching out to you." And yes. You're absolutely right.

I mean but I couldn't deny that my sister had revealed to me a rose...and now here I am surrounded by them.

I was knocked out of my thoughts...literally when a young male aggressively brushed pass me in a hurried manner, "Excuse you." I turned around to say, he looked at me with a blank expression and rolled his eyes before continuing past me up the stairs. I rolled mines back at him and turned back around and when I did, I noticed two large glass doors with a golden railing on the outsides of it. The royal garden must be that way, I smile and quickly in the midst of all the commotion I walk as normally as possible to the doors.

Smiling I open the door and I was right. I was welcomed to the sight of bees flying around busily and the smell of lavender and another sweet honeysuckle like scent.

I stepped out into the garden masking my scent  so mines wouldn't disturb the natural scent of the flowers and such. Also so I wouldn't be bother for stepping outside, I figured over the past two days that I will stay here until I can discover the full truth behind my sister's death at least.

Cavalier hadn't shown himself since the kitchen incident and I figured he was purposely avoiding me, I honestly can't scene say I am too upset about that.

I didn't want to face him, because I knew the longer I spent time with him the more the mate-bond would grow. And if he is actually my sister's killer I would have to reject him. There's no if's ands, or buts about it.

I quickly found myself walking around the garden lightly touching the flowers as I did so and quite quickly felt as if I was having a deja vu moment.

I sighed and walked down a little further and just as I did I felt a pair of eyes on me.

And at first I assumed it was Cavalier but I noticed these eyes didn't give me that feeling his did. Instead a chill went down my spine.

And not a cute erotic chill...a chill most prey got when they were being watched by a predator. I stayed still and continued to examine the flowers as if I didn't notice I was being watched.

My eyes scanned the flower...and in the middle of all the pretty white dahlias was a red rose. And in a instant I looked up to see a rugged small black wolf with piercing black eyes watching me. Me and the wolf made eye contact and immediately a flashback of the night of my sister's mission came into my head.

Everyone that went on that mission with my sister was supposed to be dead. But that wolf...the wolf that was supposed to be her eyes was watching me. I soon felt my feet moving quickly in the direction of the stranger and I saw the wolf run in the opposite direction.

Of course now I had no choice but to chase this wolf. This wolf had to of had all of the answers I was looking for, and all I needed to do was simply catch it.

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