Ch. 23

69 8 3

Nova's POV

"Cavalier..." my voice cracks as I finally recognized the figure in the shadow.

His scent was not out so I was not able to smell him nor was I able to use any wolfy powers to see him.

But soon the moonlight shined at the perfect angle and parts of him were visible.

I had never seen him look more attractive than right now.

His arms were chained to two posts on both sides of him and his messy hair was hanging over his face as his head was dropped slightly.

He eyed me down like I was a large piece of steak and he was a starving carnivore, the slight lick of his lips almost caused me to forget about the raging silver metals bars in front of me.

Something had Cavalier off, his head snapped up and released a low warning growl towards the entrance of the cave. "On the screen...type one two, three one, four six," he order gesturing his head towards the metal keypad attached to the large bars.

I did as he said...soon the keypad flashed a green color. I thought the doors were swing open but they didn't, looking at Cavalier ready for his next words I heard the sound of footsteps coming closer in this direction.

"Lift the lever."

Looking around I finally spot a large lever near the keypad, not hesitating I tugged on it not expecting it to be so heavy. The lever like a stubborn mule, hadn't budged one bit.

My heat started to flare up the longer I was in Cavalier's presence, I found my hands starting to sweat and breathing hitched.

"Nova, lift the lever." He says in a bit of harder tone growing impatient with me.

I tried again tugging with all the little strength I had left, and as I did the footsteps seemed to be intrigued by the scent of my best. They had sped up in this direction.

"If they come near you in front of me, you will witness a murder. Lift the lever.." he said as his eyes were fixated on where the footsteps were coming from.

"I'm trying!" I say exasperated trying to muster up even more strength to pull the damn lever up. While doing so my arm accidentally bumped the bars and for a second it felt like my skin was being melted off. Letting out a loud hiss Cavalier eyes snap towards me, he was growing restless and I could see him start to tug on the chains he was connected to as the creature behind us was getting closer and closer.

Now not only was his mate in heat and he was behind large silver bars, she was also injured and barely had any strength due to being separated to defend herself against the challenger that was getting closer and closer.

Looking at Cavalier with hopeless eyes I dropped my head feeling like this task was impossible.

"'s mental, you are more than capable enough to lift that lever. Lift the damn thing or I kid you not I will mate with another female in front of you." something inside of my woke up at the last part of that sentence...I could feel a growl escape my lips as my eyes dilated and I eyed the man who was my mate.

I will rip the throats out of anybody that touches him. My inner wolf snarled baring her teeth inside of me.

My body shivered as for a second all of my senses were with me, gripping the lever once more I pushed it upwards and this time slowly but surely it moved and just as it clicked into place the door swung open.

I could see a devilish smirk on Cavalier's face as I slowly stepped in the doorway observing him closer.

And just as I did a wolf approached behind us licking its lips and sizing me up and down, it could not see or sense Cavalier's presence.

I found myself stuck, something inside of me saw the wolf as a worthy challenger to my mate. It was stronger and larger than the average wolves...more than likely being a warrior wolf.

"Nova I'm warning you.."

I turned to face Cavalier once more, before turning back towards the wolf behind us. I didn't know what was coming over me.

Our mate wants to mate with another female hm?

My eyes dilated again as I felt myself standing inbetween the two males, my heat spreading more and more pushing my scent in both directions.

As the wolf took a step closer sniffing the air and licking at its snout not knowing the dangers of the waters it was treading in.

Cavalier remained silent as I could feel his eyes watching our interactions, before his eyes flashed that foggy grey color.

They continued to switch grey and purple. But he remained placed where he was watching us.

Which angered my inner wolf.

This was the longest she was ever able to make her presence known. Might as well have fun with her while she's able to be present.

The male shifted in front of me, leaving himself proudly exposed.

I could see why he was prideful as well.

"You are beautiful, and your scent is mouth watering," he complimented trailing his eyes up and down my body...he was visibly becoming turned on the closer he stepped to me.

Cavalier remained silent, his presence still being masked. Either this warrior wolf had poor eyesight, or he was too distracted by me to notice the predator sizing him up behind me.

Cavalier reminded me of a tiger in this exact moment, the way he eyed the warrior wolf down, calculating all the right moves. Me and him both knew he could easily take this wolf down in the blink of an eye, maybe him still being chained up caused a blockade for him to react or do anything. But even so, my wolf pushed.

Knowing our mate was chained up and not able to react how he wanted to.

Cavalier's POV

Watching my mate make the most stupidest decision of her life, I thought of many different things.

One...she can't possibly think this feeble little warrior wolf was stood near me statistically. am I going to get out of these chains to rip open this man's throat. If I rip them out of the wall the cave might collapse, possibly injuring her...I would be fine.

Three...she looks breathtaking in my clothes, I can't wait to tear them off of her.

Watching the wolf carefully, I've already determined how tall he is, how much he weighs, and what his weak spots are.

He appears to be top of his ranks, being one of our front line warriors...maybe killing him wouldn't benefit me as much as I think it would.

It sure would be pleasing to teach this hard headed spitfire of a mate a lesson though.

What am I I really about to end a man's life over this short little thief?

Yes...yes we are.

No...there is no we in this.

If he touches her he's a dead man walking.

He can't be that dumb...everyone knows she's my mate.

Just as I was having a internal argument with Vaatu, who had awaken in the midst of all this watching the situation just as close as I am I see the male raise his hand to grab her waist.

This will be fun.

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