Ch. 16

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Nova's POV  (Very Short Chapter)


"Hello?"  I call out walking along the trail full of roses. Seriously what's with all the roses ?

This is ridiculous.

I continue to walk which felt like forever before finally I walked into a what appeared to be an invisible wall. As I looked around I realized I was in the same place as last times, which meant-

I heard a loud knock. I turned to look and there my sister was waving me over. I jogged over to her and smiled. "Why do you keep popping up in my dreams?" I ask, her mouth started to move but not a sound came out.

I think by the confused expression plastered across my face she realized I couldn't hear her, I could see the frustration in her eyes before a lightbulb went off over her head.

She placed her hand against the wall and took her index finger and started to tap, I tilted my head as I listened to the tapping noises. What was she doing? There was no specific rhythm to these taps but she seemed very determined so I knew she was trying to communicate to me.

I was so confused before suddenly it clicked in my head as she started tapping a bit more aggressive.

*tap tap tap...tap" - C
"tap...tap" - A
"tap...tap tap tap tap tap" - V
"tap...tap" - A
"tap...tap tap tap" - L
"tap tap tap tap....tap tap" - I
"tap tap tap tap tap...tap" E
"tap tap...tap tap tap tap" R

She was using tap code. We were forced to learn tap code in basic training, you couldn't get promoted from rank 12 without knowing it by heart. 

"Cavalier..." I repeat and I could see her face light up. So she can hear me? I just can't hear her.

As she continued to tap slowly but surely I put all her words together. She would wait ten exact seconds before moving onto the next word so her message wouldn't get scrambled together.

"" Her message was vague but it was very put together. She seemed to be rushing though, as if she was running out of time. She wasn't using big words besides the one time she tapped Cavaliers name.

"trust....leave.....home..." she wanted me to leave my home? This part was confusing. Leave home.

What home?

I've already left my home, did she mean leave cavaliers home?


The message was getting more confusing by the each word she tapped.

"" she can't be talking about and Cavalier is no where near the word love yet, so who does he love?

"Cavalier loves somebody?" I ask. She looks at me and nods her head.

"live...Faith....death" the death word again...I mean I already know Cavalier has lost somebody close to him...well I assumed it. So what can she be talking about?

she started to fade away but before she did she tapped out another word as quickly as she can, and due to this it was hard to put the letters  together but I think I managed to do so pretty good.

"Lost." Great...another confusing word.

She started to fade away even more before she smiled and tapped three more words.


"I love you too." I say placing my hand against the invisible force before I started to fade away too.

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