Ch. 25

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Nova's POV

Finally the pain subsided and it became a low ache, opening my eyes everything seemed so much clearer. I could basically smell colors now, my ears turned in different directions and I could my heart beat along with Cavalier's.

I noticed we shared the same heart beat rhythm, I thought that was a myth that mates shared the same heartbeat.

Or at least a metaphor.

I took a step forward shaking my body, causing my grey fur to fluff out.

I looked up to see Cav- Vaatu smirking before the eye color faded and soon I was met with Cavalier's beautiful hazel eyes again.

He wasted no time shifting effortlessly in front of me. Circling around me in a stalking like motion his nose sniffed around, poking me here and there.

I growled as his nose got close to my tail taking my back paw and kicking his snout away. It was common for wolves to sniff that area during a heat cycle due to the pheromones being released. It was there way of 'ensuring' three female is in heat.

He shook his head before growling back at me, not very pleased with my actions.

Ah suck it up buttercup.

It was odd hearing my wolf speak with no buffering, or cut outs. She was loud and present, I could even see her, she was excited to experience our mate up and close with us.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I felt Cavalier's larger hybrid like form rub against my wolf, I was stuck and frozen when I felt the contact. The last physical touch I've felt on my wolf form that was so up and personal was a very traumatizing experience.

What is he doing? I ask my wolf curiously. A bit concerned.

He's scent marking us...he's beginning the mating ritual.

WHAT? I yell out feeling myself take a step away from Cavalier, physically I was ready to mate with him, but mentally?

Chill girl, this is just the first step of many. He's about to start proving himself. Sadly the hunching part is still like ten thousands steps later.

I felt Cavalier raise his head tilting it as I had previously took a step backwards,

Scent mark him girl, that's our man.

I took a deep breath and nervously took a step forward once again confused him, causing him to raise his ears slightly confused with what I was about to do.

I closed my eyes and thought back on everything that has put me at this point, but all of lead back to my sister.

Her approval meant everything to me, and deep down I knew she wanted nothing more in the world than me to get through this with Cavalier. I had to stop using her as an excuse to not take steps further in my personal life.

But the question was, is he willing to do the same with his brother?

Now walking around him taking in his scent that was made to attract me I take my tail and rub it against his sides and back taking my head and nuzzling myself into him all while exerting my scent.

Our scents were mixing and by now the royals probably knew we were in contact. I looked up at Cavalier noticing his eyes were closed in content, and a low growl of approval was rumbling from his chest.

I take a deep breath before taking my head and rubbing myself closer towards his neck, the most vulnerable place on almost every animal to exist. His eyes opened slightly looking down at me, this would be a great opportunity for me to wound him while in this vulnerable state but any thoughts of doing so were kicked out of my head by my wolf and remembering the words my sister had told me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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