Ch. 7

112 6 2

Nova's POV

Cavalier was standing beside me...I didn't even hear him approach us, even vampires aren't that stealth in their movements.

He managed to go from flipping the food around in the pan on the stove to standing beside me with the girls wrist in his grasp. How did he even know she was about to slap me?

The girl looks up at Cavalier with shocked and I can see her face wrinkled up, she looked to be in pain. But Cavalier's hold on her wrist didn't loosen one bit as he stood over her, her struggles and expressions of pain caused no difference in how tight his grasp was on her. His body was growing stiffer and I was confused for a second, I turned to look up at Cavalier and I regret that decision...but somehow I know deep down this won't be my last time seeing this side of him.

His eyes were grey, and I mean solid grey. He had no pupils, and I soon realized that he wasn't even looking at Kaitlyn. He was looking over her at the wall behind her. he blind right now?

I looked at the girl and I could see her hand losing it's color. Was he planning on snapping it off? I wouldn't hold it past him to be honest.

Should I help her? Of course I should help her...even though I could tell she was going to be a pain in my rear end I couldn't let her poor hand be decapitated.

"Let her're going to break her hand." I state standing up and grabbing his wrist, his head snapped to where I was holding his wrist and I could feel his skin become hot. He looked highly irritated and uncomfortable right he a germaphobe or something?

I looked at the girl who soon let out a ear piercing scream and I saw at her wrist where her skin was turning a grey-ish black color and looked to be growing cracks in it. Immediately he released her and shakes my hand off of him, quickly replacing where my hand once was with his other free hands. Rubbing the spot with his thumbs as if I had caused him pain.

I looked at the girl's hand and her fingers were just dangling, almost as if they didn't have a single bone or nerve inside of them.

What the hell is going on?

The girl scrambled away in a unknown direction leaving me alone with this man. His eyes snapped up towards me and his top lip curls up, a look of disgust painted his stone like face.

"You shouldn't of done that." He states coldly, there's a difference to his tone of voice, I mean yea Cavalier usually has a cold distant tone but this voice had no emotions what so ever, there was no hidden meaning, nothing to read.

It was just cold.

"You could've broke her hand," I argue back balling my hands up. Is he genuinely upset that I had stopped him from breaking a innocent girls hand?

He must be out of his damn mind.

His eyebrows scrunched up whilst he gave me a hard glare. "Now I see why high ranking male wolves always complain about their mates. You are all very unappreciative, next time I will let the wench slap you." My mouth dropped. This man genuinely had the audacity to let those words leave that disgusting mouth of his.

"And now I see why the rejecting statistics between the higher ranking mates are above thirty percent. All of you men are power hungry, possessive, controlling, anger issued entitled assholes," I say crossing my arms to retain from slapping the living shit out of this entitled brat.

"It's cute that you think any of that insults me. I'm actually flattered you've noticed some of my characteristics." if I could scream into a pillow right now...I would.

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