Ch. 13

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"I don't want to go."

"I don't remember giving you that option."

"But you said yesterday that-"

"Don't recall."

I let out a frustrated sigh and cross my arms sinking back into the bed. Cavalier was basically forcing me to go to some stupid visit that's like at least a two hour drive.

"I'm not going." I state pulling the cover over my head and curling back into the bed to go to sleep.

It was literally at most five thirty in the morning. I've never woke up this early in my life. I feel the cover get snatched off of me and the freezing cold air in the room blows on me instantly.

I growl at Cavalier which causes a eyebrow raise in return and basically a facial expression that says to cut it out.

But was I going to? No.

Last night was obviously a mistake, Cavalier made that quite clear by how he had been antisocial all morning. Well I mean this was the longest I had consecutively seen him since I got here so that had to mean something right?

I sound delusional.

"Nova get out of the bed and start getting dressed." Cavalier states in a authoritative no room for arguing tone. I looked over at him with a dumbfounded expression before aggressively laying back down and pulling the covers over my head.


It went quiet for a few seconds before suddenly I felt the cover snatched off of me and there stood Cavalier in front of the bed. He had on nothing but a pair of loose fitted sweatpants so every tattoo on his body above his v line was able to be seen. Even over my brown-skin tone I knew my face was probably a deep shade of red as I looked up at him.

I held eye contact to keep myself from looking down at his body scared my eyes would linger somewhere a little too long.

"It's cold Cavalier!" I say a bit louder than necessary. The room was freezing honestly, as soon as the cover got snatched my body was covered in goosebumps.

"Then get up and get in the shower." Cavalier stated gesturing his hands towards the bathroom. 

"I don't want to go though, it won't be anything but a lot of high ranking officials there." Cavalier tilts his head and sighs rubbing his temples.

"So the reason you've been throwing a tantrum all morning about going is because high rankers are going to be there?" He sounded annoyed and honestly his tone of voice did nothing but make me feel more insecure about going to this meetup thing.

"Of course you wouldn't understand, you're a prince for godsake." He looks at me with confusion before leaning onto the bed and grabbing my ankle pulling me closer to him.

"Cav-" I'm cut off once my lower body crashes into his and he's looking down at me with hard emotionless eyes.

"Nova, not a damn person that's going to be there can look down on you. And they certainly won't be doing so with me right next to you," he states looking down at me.

"But still-" he lets go of my ankle and leans down placing his hands on both sides of me.

"You're my mate so if I'm a damn prince then do you know what that makes you?" I was lost for words being this close to him. My heart was beating uncontrollably and I didn't know how to cope. It was weird, last night I was literally grinding against his Peter pecker and now I can barely even look him in the eyes.

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