CH. 8

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I ended up cleaning the entire plate and washing it in the sink, all while spending the rest of the day reflecting on today's events. I had been sitting in the living room...or what appeared to be a living room, on a beautiful leather black couch next to a huge window that had a beautiful view of the garden I knew I probably wasn't allowed to step foot in.

I was able to take a shower and I found feminine lounge clothes, that consisted of fuzzy socks, sweatpants, and a cropped sweatshirt. I decided to let my hair stay down so I was pretty much just rocking my natural curly fro.

I tried reading books but each time the main character would run into their love interest Cavalier would flash into my mind and guilt would flood my body as I remembered the day I was told my sister had lost her life by his hands. I am truly a disgrace.

By now the sun was going down and I hadn't seen or heard from anybody besides Milo who came in, didn't speak three words and left with his phone in his hand. After being away from Cavalier for so long I was able to put my mind together and I decided I had to be more strong willed from here on further.

My sister had to of been frowning down on me as I didn't even fight his actions, I couldn't even consider what he did assault...because I enjoyed every second of it and he gave me the choice to back down.

But I didn't.

What is wrong with me?

I sighed loudly and pulled the fluffy grey blanket over my legs as the AC started to blow. "Why me?" I asked myself. I tilted my head to the right looking out the window admiring the garden.

Was that even Cavalier that was touching me like that? No...that man that touched me that way couldn't of been Cavalier his eyes and aura was completely different. And now that I think about it his scent was a bit more masculine.

Thinking about all that ended up making me sleepy and I was growing a strong headache so I did what any normal person would do after this man events happening in one day.

I dozed off.

**Nova's Dream**

I started walking around what appeared to be a blank room following a chain of thorny vines. I felt extremely drowsy but for some reason my legs wouldn't stop moving it was as if they were under a spell. They just kept following the vines in the plain white room but despite my drowsiness I didn't stop or try to stop.

I just kept walking.

But as I continued to walk the white marble floor slowly turned into a grassy field and small bushes and trees started to appear...and now it appeared as if I was in a large forest. Trees taller than sky scrapers surrounded me.

But then boom, I walked into what appeared to be some invisible wall. I rubbed my head although there was no pain and I continued to look forward searching for something...anything. As I searched I felt something land on top of my head and when I reached up to see what it was ...a rose petal was revealed.

I scrunched my eyebrows together and soon as I continued to look around I kept spotting roses in odd locations.

This is some bs. I tried to turn around to walk another way but my feet were wrapped in a thorny ankles were being cut up as I continued to try and move and soon I could feel a ghostlike pain sprouting up my legs. I felt a tear slide down my cheek but when I went to wipe it there was no wetness. I looked away from the veins and as I did I was face to face with my older sister. She was speaking to me but there was silence.

Her mouth was moving but no words were heard. I reached for to touch her but the invisible wall was still there. "What are you trying to say?" I ask aloud by now I could feel tears rushing down my face and I wanted to feel my sister.

She seemed upset and angered. But most importantly she seemed as if what she was trying to tell me was important. It was a urgency in her actions. She started banging on the wall screaming at me. But then it was as if something clicked in her head and she took a deep breath. She kneeled down and I kneeled with her...she started to reach under the tall grass and soon her beautiful angelic hands brought up a beautiful rose. She looked at me into the eyes and brought the rose closer to me.

"He's not the enemy." was all I could hear before I was jolted awake.

I sat up immediately breathing heavy with sweat all over my face. I was soaked...I threw the blanket off of me and scrambled around looking for a bathroom. Soon finding one, I ran into the bathroom slamming the door shut behind me before tossing the toilet seat up and throwing up everything inside of me.

My hair fell in front of my face but I didn't stop. Right now it felt as if I was throwing my entire life up. My throat was becoming sore and I was becoming very dizzy and nauseous. Finally I was done and I flushed the toilet. Leaning back against the wall in front of the toilet.

I cried. I sobbed. I wailed.

What was she trying to tell me? What was so important that my sister who never yelled at anybody started screaming at me?

I wanted answers.

But mainly I wanted to know what she meant by 'He's not the enemy?'

I found myself about to throw up again and immediately I threw myself back towards the toilet with both hands holding the seat to keep me up. I could hear light knocking on the door but I chose to ignore it. "Are you ok?
," I hear a young soft male voice ask through the door. A voice I instantly recognize...his little brother.

"I'm fine...go away!" I call out before another disgusting noise of barf is let out again.

"You don't sound fine to me...I'm coming in." Is all he says before the door knob turns and of course little Sailor from earlier walks in. He had a concerned look before he rushes over to where I was and grabbed my hair. Having to scoop it up with both of his small hands.

"You must have a stomach mama says that drinking ginger ale helps with that." This little boy was truly adorable.

Soon I was able to get a break from throwing my entire life up, I quickly stood up and washed my face with one of the small towels on the rack. And searched the cabinet for any mouth wash, luckily in the drawer there was a small little travel size mouthwash. I gargled that and spit it out before grabbing the little boys hand and finding my way back to the area I was sitting in. "Are you busy?" I ask him.

He shakes his head no after thinking for a minute so I lead us to the couch where I was sitting before. I grab the remote and pick him up sitting him on the couch before sitting next to him and placing the blanket over us. I turn the tv on and go to Netflix turning on how to train your dragon.

We both fully invest ourself into the movie and he's asking me all kinds of questions...and since not to brag or anything but I am a how to train your dragon fan so I was able to fill him in on everything. By now it was night time and the sky was full of stars, I hadn't had any encounters with anybody since this morning and I think I was honestly quite ok with that fact. I don't think I needed some royal hybrid up my ass right now.

"Noo...they're going to kill toothless," a sleepy voice says

Soon I felt his little head fall over onto me and his thumb was in his mouth while his other hand played with the curls in his head. His eyes slowly dropping and opening back up I pulled the blanket over the both of us. As my eyes started to close I could see my sister smiling and I knew then that I shouldn't take out any hate against Cavalier on this little boy.

He is innocent in a world of sin.

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