Ch. 20

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3rd person (Cavalier's Confinement)

"Here's something to eat Mic-" Cavalier tugs at his chains and growls at his closest friend and cousin Zion who was holding a plate of food in one hand a bottle of water in the other.

"Don't call me that." Cavalier growls lowly looking at the ground with hard eyes. He never knew his family would actually chain him up like they did all of those years back when he had appeared. But now his family had him chained up over the simple fact of a girl.

"Will you eat without trying to rip my arm off? Or do I need to connect the feeding tube to you?" Zion asks tilting his head to the side. Cavaliete releases a hard sigh and loosens his grip on the chains that are placed securely around his wrists and ankles, revealing harsh purple and red marks on his hands. Although he preferred to be stubborn he knew he needed to eat or he'd be in a weakened state, and weak was the last thing Cavalier wanted to be.

With a hard face Zion approaches Cavalier and sits next to him. For the first few minutes Zion is feeding Cavalier, no words are exchanged. Cavalier was pissed off at everybody and his mind was only on one person, and that is that stubborn mate of his. He wanted her. He was craving her presence, he didn't even know if she was safe or not because his family thought it was smarter of them to resort to immediately putting him in chains.

" know the last thing we want is to see you like this right?" Zion speaks up looking at his closest cousin who looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"If it was the last thing you all wanted I wouldn't be like this now would I?" Cavalier states back in a harsh cold tone.

Zion eyes cavalier before placing the utensil down, "Cavalier...nobody knows how you would react to seeing your mate even in the same room as another male,"

"I am not an unhinged murderer. If I am challenged for a spot next to my mate I will eliminate the threat...just as any other werewolf would do. It's in our instinct. Or are we forgetting our fathers did the exact same thing for our mothers?" Zion sat quietly as he eyed his cousin.

Cavalier was correct, it was werewolf nature to defend their mates along with their rights to mate with their mate. Things may be more modern now but that doesn't take away the animalistic instinct running through their veins.

But what Cavalier didn't know was his instincts were ten times that amount, if he was allowed anywhere near Nova he would become unruly. He wouldn't allow another male near her...probably not even another female.

Yet Cavalier truly believed he would be calm.

"Your mate isn't doing too well, she has been refusing food and any other helpful accommodations." Zion mentions watching Cavalier clench onto his chains once again.

"She's strong...she will survive."  He states lowly. Deep down he didn't want to be anywhere near her at the moment. But the bond was like a pulsing heartbeat, beating as if they had both ran miles and back.

He knew they were not ready for what the universe was pushing onto them. The moon goddess was rushing them so much, and he didn't understand why.

They shouldn't have got their first heat cycle for another few months. But even so, Cavalier could feel himself losing his sanity the more and more he was separated from his mate while she was in a vulnerable state. It was his job to protect her during this time.

And here he was useless...something he seemed to feel a lot lately.

"Cavalier...why do you continue to hate her? We discovered the second day she was here she was involved in those raids." Cavalier looked down at the cold cracked concrete...guilt resting inside of him.

It was true...he did still have hatred for his mate. Even after knowing she wasn't apart of the raids, but people she cared and loved for was. People she would run back to in an instant were apart of the reason his brother was lying in a hospital bed possibly brain dead. A little boy who would never get to experience the challenges of life.

In the inside Cavalier was still an upset teenager...his inner child was upset. His inner child didn't feel happy. But once his younger brothers were born he was able to live out those childhood memories he missed out on through when one was hurt when he was supposed to be strong enough to protect him, it broke him. In deeper ways than anybody could imagine.

"How do you know?" He asks feeling his face heat up...he didn't like speaking on his emotions, he only did these kind of things with his childhood bestfriend. And even then it was rare when he would actually share small bits and pieces.

"Cavalier...we're like brother. I've watched how you look at her, there's nothing there almost. I've seen how bad you want to grow to like her, and I've watched you watch her from the shadows." Cavalier felt his body shake almost, the guilt was settling in.

He did hate his mate.

But he also knew he needed her, he sees a part of himself in her and he doesn't know why yet.

"I- I don't want to..." he started to say...a slight stutter escaping his lips, which left Zion in shock. Never in his year had he heard Cavalier stutter.

"Everything between you both is pure instinct...there's nothing real. Why don't you just let her go and reject-"

"No!" He lashed out his fists balling up.

Cavalier does hate his mate. But...he has also grown to care for her. He watches how his younger brother curled up into the frail little thief and felt a way he saw himself doing the same.

"Cavalier, Nova is actually a sweet person based off what those around her have told me...she doesn't deserve this. You'll break her if she continues to stay here."

Cavalier felt selfish in this exact moment. He knew those chances were right, but he didn't want to let her go.

All his life he's never had a person actually depend on him. Nobody trusted him enough to do so due to the creature Vaatu residing in him, not even his own mate.

But when his mate looked at who was apart of him...she didn't run or call him a monster. She stayed. She may had tried to run recently but it wasn't because of what was inside of him, he had not figured why she had tried to run yet but he knew it had nothing to do with Vaatu.

He wanted to figure her out...he wanted to know what drove her hate towards him, he wanted to know everything.

"Leave Zion..."

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