Ch. 15

65 8 2

Cavaliers POV


"I'm afraid It doesn't work like that-"

"Her rank is higher than everyone's in here, none of you could even dream to be able to whip her." I state sitting up in my chair. This thing inside of me was beginning to stir but as long as I keep everything under control, he won't come out.

The last thing me or her need is for me to be locked up in UW Heights again.

"Wrong, you two have not completed the mating ritual yet, so she has not gained your rank. She is still nothing but a lone wolf which is lower than an omega. She doesn't even bear your mark."

It's taking every ounce of control I have right now not to jump across this table and tear him to shreds. But I know if I do that she'd just be whipped nearly to death while I'm chained away in a building made of pure steel, whilst being beaten, starved, and deprived of shifting.

"Just go mate her."

He mutters adding an annoyed eye roll. 'It's not that simple Vaatu,' he doesn't respond but instead huffs out a large breath.

"Let's take a two hr recess, everyone is to return with their mates." And with that everyone walks away along with me. I walk towards me and Nova's bedroom, once reaching it I open the door slowly expecting you to catch her maybe climbing out of the window, but instead I'm met with the sight of her fast asleep in the middle of the bed.

She looked at peace. I decided against disturbing her and instead removed my jacket, I watched her carefully before sighing and laying down on the far edge of the bed turning on my side and facing the wall I shut my eyes deciding a nap is my best option right now. If I continue to think on the subject at hand I'd lose control.

As I drift off I felt a small figure balling up into my backside, her arm draped around me holding onto my waist tightly. I open my eyes and look down at the hand observing it.

Is she big spooning me right now?

This is not going to work.

But it does feel nice....

Nope, I will not be going out like this. Quickly turning and flipping us the other way I pulled her back into my chest, wrapping the blanket she was in around us both. Her breathing levels out and I could feel her press herself against me almost impossibly closer. Her scent naturally released and I could feel my breathing hitch. Her was sweeter than normal. I closed my eyes to make my thoughts go away but all I could think about was how close she was to me.

"Cavalier..." I hear her voice in almost a whisper, she shuffled and bit before she froze.


"I....I can feel-" damnit.

"Do you want me to move?" this is ridiculous, I should've just walked away and ask for a different room.

Just as I was abt to do so I felt her place her hand on mines and lay her head on my arm. "I don't know why I feel this way...I'm so pissed off at you right now, I have so many mixed feelings about you, and I want to hate you." I felt a foreign emotion crawl inside of me as she spoke those last five words. I knew I had tensed up as I stayed silent and listened to her.

"But she comes to me, and she gives me signs to trust stay beside you. So I do, she told me not to keep secrets from you...but I have so many that I don't think I am ready to tell you or will ever tell you, just like how you have yours."

"...but something else came up." She said and I could feel the air around us almost freeze in a way and I felt a chill crawl up my spine.

What was she about to say?

"and I want you to be truthful."

This suspense is killing me. What is she getting at, this is all so random. And who is this person she's saying spoke to her? Did someone come into the room while I was in the meeting?

"Yes, Nova?" There was a pause before she took a deep breath.

"Are you in love with somebody?" When those words left her mouth it felt as if every organ in my body stopped functioning. For a second I was taken back to the a dark spot in my life time, a place I never wanted to revisit or confront.

And mate was asking me about this. I felt my body become cold, and it felt as if the life had been sucked out of me.

"We are forever and more." Those words echoed through my mind and it was almost as if I could feel her cold to the touch but delicate gentle hands cup my face like they every time I needed comforting. A ghost like touch.

"Go to sleep Nova." Was my response. It was sharp and short, almost as if I held a knife to her and said not to bring the subject up anymore. Based off how silent she got after that I could tell that either she was A hurt, B got the answer she wanted, or C knew to not push the subject any further.

"Please get off of me." She said. Her words didn't hold much emotion but they were almost as sharp as mines. And I did as she said. I let go of her and turnt the other way.

I want to say she's not ready for the answer I have to give to her...but I know deep down I'm the one that is not ready to give her that answer.

But no Nova...I am not in love with anybody. I was in love with someone I was ready to give my life away for. Someone that if things would've went the way I thought they was going, I would've rejected you the moment I seen you in that palace.

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