Ch. 22

54 10 3

Nova's POV

A week had passed since I last seen Milo, and now the only person to come and visit me was Lady. I thought me and Milo had gained a friendship but I guess I was wrong, maybe he was only here to watch over me.

Lady seemed very upset today, and I mean literally all day. It was now nighttime and she was pacing back and forth, instead of her usual soft elderly voice she was more quiet and her responses were short. Something seemed to be bothering her, I didn't want to ask about it but she was starting to frighten me.

I'd never heard an old lady curse so much before. Especially not one like Lady.

"Lady? Are you ok?"

Steady mumbling to herself while folding up the blankets in my room she placed them aggressively down one over the other, I was trying to make sense of what she was saying but she was way on the other side of the large bedroom.

"Lady?" I called out again this time raising my voice again.

Once again she mumbled quiet curse words to herself grabbing the plates off the dresser and putting them in her rectangular sized bucket.

"Lady!" I shout out finally grabbing her attention. She turned around worriedly rushing to the bed with a wet towel placing it on my forehead and tapping my arms and legs to check for any signs of my heat.

I swat her hands away quickly causing her to look at me confused. "Is something wrong Miss Nova?"

"I should be asking you're the one pacing around," I say gesturing to where she once stood at folding the blankets. She took a deep breath and sat down.

"I just...I just can't see how they're doing the two of you like this! It's nonsense! It's inhumane!" She shouts balling her old little hands up. I sat there quietly knowing she was about to go on one of her daily rants.

"It's against our instincts to be away from our mates! They're making you guys situation worst than it should be...eventually your inner spirits will take over, and Vaatu will be very upset with us all for keeping him away from you."

"Vaatu?" I ask tilting my head, that must be Cavalier's hybrid name. The name stayed in my mind for a while, repeating it self over and over before it eventually lead to my heat starting to spark up, except this time I felt pleasure instead of pain.

"Would you like to be alone? Or go to the tub lady Nova?" She asks standing up, waiting patiently on my answer.

Alone. A foreign voice echoed through my head and before I knew it the words left my mouth as well.

"Alone please."

As she bowed her head once she exited the room, a click being heard signaling she locked it behind her.

I don't know why I told her to leave, but once I was alone the heat strengthened and I felt a pool warmness grow in between my legs as images of Cavalier was shoved into my mind.

The memory of him bending me over the kitchen counter was one that replayed it self, another was night we shared one the balcony.

Part your legs.

As if a soldier being commanded by the lieutenant my legs slowly spread apart, and I could feel the heat grow inside of me, spreading throughout my body like a wild fire.

Just as I started to take my hands where I had never took them before I heard a growl erupt causing a pain to shoot through my head.

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