Ch. 2

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Unknown -and in the end all she learned was how to be strong alone.

(Warning - may be grammar issues)

Nova's POV

I awaken to my phone alarm going off constantly in my ear, annoyed I open my eyes rubbing them due the bright light shining in through my windows. I really need to buy some curtains.

"Another day...another client...another headache." I mumble to myself, I grab my phone and look at the time and I sigh throwing my head back.

I have five text messages from my boss, another ten from one of my associates who work with me, and a time that reads two thirty five in the after noon.

I overslept.

I decide to ignore the text messages for right now and I walk into my bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. I had fell asleep in my 'work' clothes, I was out all night trying to steal that damn gun that I don't even get to use.

I look at my reflection, and yes I am a confident individual. I mean most of the people I steal from are men and in order to steal from some of these men you have to have the looks.

Yet all I see when I look at my reflection is a damaged girl who utilizes my skills and abilities to cover up the fact she's flawed.

"You're never going to be anything other than a bitch used for breeding."

I have a past, like everyone else.

A very twisted and dark past. Most people wouldn't have survived what I went through, at least not without turning their emotions off. I suppose knowing I was able to survive is what helps me thrive in today's world.

It's made me into the person I am today who fears nobody, deals with no bs, and stands for the weak.

I turn my shower on and put my hand under the drops of liquid feeling the temperature, decking the water is too cold I turn the knob a little more to the left and I get that burning sensation I love while taking showers.

I strip off my sweaty clothes from last night and get in the shower, I don't know what it is about feeling the steam come from my skin but it's so soothing. I always lose track of time when I'm in the shower...which is probably why I'm always late things. I washed my self and of course I found my self dazing off into my thoughts as the water continued to drip down

"NOVA!" I sigh annoyedly at the sound of Parker's voice. Don't get me wrong, I love Parker to death he's the reason I'm where I'm at now...but he can be a bit of a ass.

I turn the shower off and grab a towel tying it around my body. I grab my phone and I see it's been thirty minutes since I stepped in the tub, damnit...I was supposed to only take a ten minute shower.

I walk into my room to see Parker standing right there at my door leaned against the door rail. Parker is a very attractive individual, and honestly I used to have the hugest crush on him.

But his soulmate is a coworker of mines.

You see Parker is a vampire, he's more of an assassin than a thief. Me and Parker both work for SUO (Supernatural Underground Organization). I've been working with them since I was about eighteen years old, things have gone great since then. I make quick and easy money and I do what I love.

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