Precious moments

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The morning sun rising up above the London streets. The chirping birds could be heard across the empty Fleet Street. Eleanor loved to hear the birds in the morning it always made her happy it was even what she enjoyed the most about spring but now that wasn't even enough to make her happy..

Neither she nor the barber had slept last night. Sighing to herself when she was making breakfast Johanna came into the kitchen when she was bussy. No one had spoken to each other since the big fight between the baker and the barber. He had quietly left her bedroom to let her calm down when she sent him out. The girl was happy that she had finally decided to get out of her room.

"Good morning love" she had noticed that she had come in when she was toasting bread and was already putting the bread on the plates.

"Good morning Nellie" Surprised that she was in such a good mood, Johhana approached her "Need help?" she asked her, when the baker turned to her she saw she hadn't slept she looked tired the circles under her eyes were darker despite that she smiled at her.

"No thanks breakfast is ready dear, here" she handed her a plate as she was smiling at her, she tried to forget what the barber had said and what had happened, her heart was broken enough she was trying to start a new life without him, without his crimes.

"Good morning mom" just then Toby got her out of her toughts he came into the shop and sat down next to Johanna. She was glad she had him he was the only good thing that had happened to her among all the bad he knew all their bad crimes but he remained silent because he loved her and of course she was the best thing that had happened to him in his life she got him out of that bad environment of the workhouse he could probably be sent back to after Pirelli had died who didn't care about him anyway. She had gave him a home and loved him. The boy didn't know what was going on between the barber and his mom, all he knew was that the barber had hurt her and she was mad at him, but he didn't want to come between the two.

"Good morning love" she came with two plates in her hand, handing his plate she sad down next to him.

"Are you feeling good mom?" he asked, taking a bite of his bread. Although he didn't say anything about the situation, he was concerned about her.

Ruffling in his hair "I'm fine dear" she answered trying to smile, when she saw the barber come in her smile faded she looked straight at her plate and started eating, he came closer and sat down next to his daughter and opposite her. Bloody barber had the nerve to come and and sit there have dinner with them she tought. Looking at her his eyes did not leave her for a second. She got up and Sweeney thought she was going to leave the room but much to his suprise she went to the counter probably she was going to prepare a plate for him he tought but then she came with a cup of coffee for her own and sat down on her place and took a sip from her coffee, she made no eye contact with the barber, she was avoiding him.

Let alone look or talk she couldn't even stand that he was in the same room as her he could see it in her every move that she was not comfortable with his presence and he could see that he had hurt her irreversibly this time. Was he losing her or had he already lost her, he certainly didn't want that to happen. Coming down to eat was just an excuse to see her and his daughter to be by their side and speak to them. But she didn't even glance at him for once as he looked at her the whole time in silence. He got up to grab a plate for himself Eleanor rolled her eyes, he had to consider himself lucky that she had made extra food.
He came back with his plate and sat down.

"Are we opening the shop today mom?" Toby asked since they were closed all day yesterday and he wanted to breake the silence that made him uncomfortable.

"Of course why not, we need the money to move somewhere else love" her response made everyone look at her with wide eyes. Choking on his food Sweeney began to cough.

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