A taste of her own

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The sun was shining trough the window when Sweeney shifted to Nellies side he opened his eyes when he touched her pillow and couldn't find his wife bedside him, he looked around in the room she wasn't there. Stroking his face with his hand he came to a sitting position on the edge of the bed feeling a little disappointed waking up without her. Thinking of the events from last night he shook his head smiling to himself god it was amazing. He never had a hot night like that before it had been awhile too with that they let themselves go last night. It was so different with her.. thinking back he realy couldn't remember he enjoyed it this much.

He stood up looking to find his clothes and found them folded neetly on the dresser, when did she do that he thought. Smiling to himself he took his troussers to put them on.

Once he fastened his beltbuckle he took his shirt and put it on not feeling the need to fasten the buttons he quickly got out of their bedroom and went the stairs down to look at her. She wasn't in the parlour when he came in neither was she in the kitchen when he looked there beceause there already were plates and cutlery ready on the table. He looked in the bathroom but she wasnt there either, the last thing that came to his mind made him the door open to the back porch.

He breathed out in relief when he saw her there sitting in the chair. "Pet" he aproached placing his hand on her shoulder when she was looking at the sea.

"You give me a fright dear" she startled placing her hand on her chest looking at him standing there. He took the other chair and seated himself beside her actualy feeling a little concerned had he done something wrong for her to leave their bed on their first morning together?

"Good morning" She looked at him actualy she still couldn't believe that this was their first morning as a married couple and this vieuw was from the back porch of their home.

"Good morning, you feeling alright? You up so early. I mean I thought to find you in bed when I woke up" He asked wanting to know what made her wake up so early. Not that she looked ill or something just the opposite her cheeks are roosy she had color in her pale face after so much time she looked quite alright.

"I'm alright.. besides you broke me last night, I feel so sore all over my body" She smiled looking shyly back at the sea remembering what they did all night long like two teenagers and she quickly returned her gaze thowards him "You made me happy Sweeney thank you.. it's beautiful here" she placed her hand on his. This morning she opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings when she couldn't immediately comprehend where she was but smiled to herself biting her lip when she felt she was in the embrace of her now husband and thought of what they had been doing. She hadn't slept much given the two had been making love until the early morning, they were intimate like they never had been before. She wanted to lay there and see how her husband would wake up but she needed to go to the bathroom. So she slowly came from between his arms trying not to wake him since he isn't realy a good sleeper. Luckily he kept them two all night up so he was tired. She wanted to sea if it was real, if it wasn't a dream she saw last night. She sat hours in that chair looking to the view listening to the seagulls. He had done this for her, for them to have a life of their own. She didn't want to be ungrateful when he did all these things for her even if just the thought of it made her eyes misty.

"I know why you are here, but it's real look" he pointed to the sea for her to realise they were there now. She was the only one for him, the only one who would do everything for him and the only one he would do everything for. These days he just wanted her to be happy, to see her smile again. He knew it wasn't like she dreamed completly there were a lot of things missing.

He cleary was changing and clearly had yet a way to go she saw that on the way he showed his temper and could lash out when he didn't know what to do or like now did as if he was watching the vieuw but after that serious, stern look of him was a heart that was beating and it was beating for her that she could see and could feel beating when they were alone like last night. The thing was she wanted to feel it more not only when they are alone, it was like he couldn't feel that she needed that.

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