Chapter 5 - Japan

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(Y/N) let out a quiet groan as she was awoken from her sleep that was rudely interrupted by a voice of the loudspeaker on the plane. "We have now arrived in Tokyo, Japan. Please take your carry-ons and exit the plane. Thank you for flying with us.". (Y/N) stood up from her seat her bones cracking a little. She grabbed her stuff from the overhead compartment and sleepily walked of the plane. 

Her eyes had to adjust to the bright light of the airport, it was nothing like the ones in the US. It was clean and shiny and almost everything was white, giving a glowing effect when light shone off anything. It was very beautiful. 

She saw a Japanese man in some sort of uniform holding a sign with her name on it. She approached the man and before she could ask who he was he said "Hello, my name is Ren Sato. Minako and Haruto Tanaka have sent me to pick you up and drive you to their home.". The man was very cheerful unlike the taxi drivers in America that always look tired or high. Again before (Y/N) could even speak the cheerful man said "Here, follow me.". He led her out to a very nice black Mercedes Benz. "These people must be rich." she thought. 

The man opened the door and took her stuff the the trunk of the car. (Y/N) noticed the car was very clean, it looked brand new. The seats were beige and were very smooth and comfy. They started to drive away and (Y/N) took in the beautiful sights of Tokyo as they drove past many glowing neon signs, billboards, and tall glass buildings. 

She put headphones on and put the tape for 4:00 am by Taeko Onuki in as she looked out the window watching the buildings go by. After a little while they reached a more quiet residential part of Japan. There were some school students walking around and visiting cafés and shops, it was quite calm compared to the big city's like New York or Tokyo. 

Eventually they pulled up to a mansion, it had beautiful gardens and water features, the trees and bushes were well kept and it had outdoor bridges connecting the different parts of the house. (Y/N) got out of the car and the cheerful taxi driver helped get my stuff out of the trunk. "Thank you!" (Y/N) said as she started walking up to the front door of the mansion. The taxi driver just waved and started driving away.

 She knocked on the door of the mansion and was greeted by a kind looking Japanese woman. "Hello! You must be (Y/N), right?" the woman said. "Yes I am. Thank you for taking me in while I study." (Y/N) said trying to be polite as possible, she even bowed a little because she read it was polite to do so. "Please, come in." the woman said, "I'm Minako and this is my husband Haruto.". She gestured over to a man sitting in a comfy looking chair reading a book, he waved and got up to greet (Y/N). "Nice to meet you (Y/N), we hope you enjoy staying in Japan." Haruto said. "Thank you." (Y/N) said, stepping into the mansion and taking off her shoes placing them next to all the other shoes. 

The kind couple showed her around the house. (Y/N) almost couldn't believe her eyes as she walked around the beautiful house, it even had a library and tea room. "This is your room." Minako said, opening a door to a decent sized room. It had a comfy looking futon, a wooden desk with a small lamp on it, a bookshelf, a little clothing rack that was empty, even a little back porch with a chair, and other things that every other room has. It was minimalistic which (Y/N) liked and it felt homey. 

She set her suitcase and carry on bag in the corner, "Thank you so much, this house is beautiful." she said. "We will let you get washed up and unpacked. Please come to the kitchen for dinner when you are ready." Minako said, a kind smile on her face. "Ok" (Y/N) said as the couple started walking away. 

She got everything unpacked neatly and went in the shower, the warm water feeling nice after such a long day. She got changed into a oversized sweatshirt and shorts then she stepped out onto the porch, looking at the backyard until she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. It was a house that wasn't to far away but still had some space from her house. It looked a lot like her house, almost identical. 

Then she noticed a tall dark bulky figure standing on the porch next to her's. She squinted a little, unsure of what it was. Then she noticed that it was a man, and he was smoking a cigarette. He was wearing a long dark coat with a gold chain that shone in the moonlight and a hat that seemed to blend in with his hair. He was handsome but looked intimidating. (Y/N) looked at him for a while before going back inside to eat dinner. After eating some delicious chicken yakisoba she went to bed, falling asleep almost immediately when her head hit the pillow.

Authors Note: That was a long chapter, but I promised you we would meet Joot and we did. Hopefully you are happy now and thank you for reading, stay tuned for next chapter. byyeeeeee <3

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