Chapter 31 - Strength Part 1

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Jotaro stared at the ship menacingly, "What's wrong Jotaro? Are you worried there's gonna be another stand user?" Joesph asked. "Not really, it's just strange they lowered the stairs but there's not a single soul anywhere." Jotaro responded, looking up at the giant ship. 

(Y/N) looked around as well, she couldn't see anything from the small emergency boat. "I guess we have to board to find out." (Y/N) sighed as the emergency boat docked itself at the boat's stairs. Polnareff got up and hopped onto the ship with no hesitation, "The ship came all this way to save us! Some sort of crew has to be on board! Well, I don't care if they're all stand users, I'm getting on this boat!" he exclaimed.

 The crusaders shared a look, they all had a bad feeling but it's not like they had a choice. Avdol, Kakyoin, Joesph, and Jotaro got onto the ship. (Y/N) was about to hop on when Jotaro offered her his hand, (Y/N) gave him a small smile and grabbed it, she jumped over the small gap and looked back to see Anne hesitate. 

"Take my hand, kid." Jotaro held out his hand to Anne but she ignored him and jumped into Joesph's arms, sticking her tongue out at him. (Y/N) stared at the girl with a shocked look on her face then she glanced over to Jotaro who just sighed and said, "Yare Yare." 

They went up the stairs and officially boarded the ship, the crusaders and all the people on the emergency boats were already looking around for any sign of life, but the ship seemed empty. "Let's go search the control room. There had to be someone steering the ship." Kakyoin said. Everyone nodded and went to the control room, nobody in sight. 

The ship's wheel was left unattended and it looked as if nobody had been in there in ages. "There's no captain in the control room!" Joesph exclaimed. "No shit Jiji." (Y/N) said, rolling her eyes. Joesph stuck his tongue out at her and went to check the gauges, "Hey look! Everything is working like normal!" Joesph said, pointing to a gauge that was still spinning. "Maybe they're in the bathroom with a bad case of the runs!" Polnareff said, trying to make the situation better. 

"Guys! Come quick!" Anne shouted. Everyone went into the room Anne was in and spotted an orangutan. "An ape!" Anne exclaimed. "It's an orangutan." Kakyoin and (Y/N) said at the same time, correcting the girl. "Who the hell cares about a friggin ape! Let's split up and find whoever's been feeding this thing." Joesph said. 

Everyone walked out of the room, leaving the orangutan inside. Anne looked back for a split second, then followed everyone else. Avdol was with the crew from their previous boat, observing the crane and looking at the controls. 

"It doesn't seem to be broke, but..." One crew member said, looking closely at the gauges and levers. The crusaders stood behind and watched the crane swing back and forth, it began dropping quickly and flying towards the crew. "Avdol! That sailor! Watch out!" Joesph yelled, pointing at the crane. 

But it was too late, the crane swung back and stabbed the sailor in the back of the head, pulling him with the crane and swinging his dead body around in the air. Anne screamed as (Y/N) and Jotaro both reached to cover her eyes, their hands touching. 

"Yare Yare, this isn't any way to greet a lady, now is it?" Jotaro said, not really talking to anyone in particular. "Jeez, could've given us a warning." (Y/N) sighed, still holding her hand over Anne's eyes. 

"No one touched the lever! That crane moved all by itself!" The sailors exclaimed. "Careful! Something's here. Hey! Don't touch the machinery! If it moves or runs on electricity don't lay a finger on it! Get in the cabin before I tell you otherwise!" Joesph shouted. 

"Anne, head to the cabin. We'll get you when it's safe, stay with the sailors, alright?" (Y/N) said, leaning down to the girls ear. Anne nodded and (Y/N) shoved her off, she hurried to follow the sailors, leaving the crusaders.

 "Did anyone see a stand just now?" Joesph asked. "No, sorry." Polnareff said. (Y/N) and Jotaro shook their heads while Kakyoin looked around and shrugged. "My apologies, I was closest to the crane, yet I sensed nothing." Avdol said. "All right. I'll send Hierophant to investigate!" Kakyoin said, Hierophant Green came from him and went into the cracks in the ship, searching for an enemy stand. 

(Y/N) saw Anne peek from the door to the cabin and look at what they were doing, "GO BACK IN!" (Y/N) mouthed, not wanting the girl to get in trouble. Anne didn't leave and Joesph eventually turned around, (Y/N) facepalmed. 

Joesph approached Anne, leaned down to her and said, "I can tell you one thing for certain: We are on your side. Make sure you stick with the others, Got it?" Joesph said, Anne nodded and ran back down the hall to the cabin. Joesph was good with kids, he was always nice to (Y/N) when she was little. She didn't expect him to be so gentle in a situation as serious as this. 

Eventually, Hierophant Green came out of a drain on the boat deck, "It's no use, I had Hierophant scour every corner, yet no sign of human life." Kakyoin said, thinking. Jotaro let out a low groan, he was deep in thought as well. 

(Y/N) looked at them, "So now what? We just figure out how to take this boat to shore ourselves?" She asked. "I don't know..." Joesph said, shaking his head. 

"(Y/N), can you use your stand to move the boat?" Kakyoin asked. "I can control the water, maybe I could push us along but that would take forever for a boat this big, and I wouldn't be able to do it for long. It would take too much energy." (Y/N) said. Kakyoin sighed, "I guess we just wait for the sailors to figure something out." he said. The crusaders nodded. 

"Hey, I'm gonna go check on Anne and the sailors." (Y/N) said, Jotaro nodded, "I'll go too." He said, following her down the hall to the cabin. 

(Y/N) stopped suddenly, "What?" Jotaro asked. She pointed to an empty cage. "Shit." They cursed in unison. 

Authors note: hope u guys enjoyed! we have to see the pedo orangutan in the next chapter 😭🦧  how did araki even come up with this 💀 anyways, have a nice day. merry november!

Question of the Day: What is your favorite stand?

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