Chapter 1

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Death is something everyone wishes wouldn't come,
Some people fear death whereas others welcome it with open arms.

Death for many people is a place of solitude but it could also be the place where somebody found out the most about themselves.

Roselia Monroe-Swan had seen a lot of death in her life, she was just five years old when her and her parents were involved in a car crash, a car crash that only she survived, that night the little girl had watched the life disappear from both her mother and fathers eyes. Somehow she had come out of that accident with just a scar running along her cheek which she hated.

Her scar was a reminder that she should have died that day too, it was a reminder that she was not strong enough to keep her parents alive, all those thoughts for a child to have would become bad in the future, those thoughts would be the reason she never truly let anyone in.

Charlie Swan had become like a father to Roselia, both of them giving each other comfort in their times of need. Charlie Swan was the only person she ever trusted after her parents death, he let her into his home, gave her a room, a good education, he was there to teach her how to ride a bike, he taught her how to read, reading had become a way to escape the world for Rose, and so whenever Charlie and rose left their home they would stop at a book shop and he would buy the girl any and all books that she wanted.

When Renee left Charlie and took Bella with her it has broken a part of Charlie and slowly over time when Bella no longer wanted to leave Phoenix and come home it made Charlie sad but all the sadness disappeared when Roselia was in the room with him, if you had asked anyone who didn't know them then they would have thought that Charlie Swan was really her father and sometimes she didn't mind that. In her opinion he was her father, he would never replace her biological father but at this point she barely remembered her mother and father but in all her happy memories Charlie was there, the man she had opened up to and allowed him in, the only person she had let in for over ten years.

Everything for Charlie and Rose was peaceful until Bella swan returned to the little town of forks, somehow dragging rose into all of the drama. The weeks after Bella returned to forks Rose leaned of vampires by pure accident when she was snooping in  Bella's room.

Bella Swan had managed to befriend the Cullen's, all of whom ignored everyone including Rose until Bella arrived.

Some how she had also become friends with the Cullen's, though she became better friends with Carlisle, Esme, Rose, Emmett and Jasper. Alice and Edward seemed to only care about what happened to Bella.

Emmett thought it was hilarious that both his Wife and his new friend were called rose and had similar names. Nobody else did.

However the more time Roselia spent with the Cullen's especially Carlisle the more Charlie could slowly see the happiness return to his adoptive daughters eyes.

However good things seemed to always end. While Bella played baseball with the Cullen's a group of nomads stumbled upon them causing Bella to go on the run with Jasper and Alice while Esme and Rosalie protected Charlie and Roselia.

That day Roselia lost all respect for her best friend, she had hurt Charlie too much, so much so that rose stayed up all night with her father figure calming him down only it didn't last long when they found out that Bella was in a hospital in Phoenix. Charlie believed she had fallen down the stairs and out of a window but Rose knew the truth, Edward bloody cullen was the reason she was in that hospital.

After Bella returned to forks things seemed to get a little easier for Rose and Charlie.

On the night of prom Bella went with Edward while Charlie and Rose stayed home, though Charlie did make the night amazing for the girl, Charlie put on their favourite song and danced with his daughter around the kitchen. It made Charlie smile hearing the girls laugh that night, he hadn't heard it in so long.

The days quickly turned into good days where Rose would meet with Carlisle and Esme, the two had become good friends of hers and she enjoyed their time together.

She heard all kinds of stories from Carlisle about the vampire world and what it was like to live in it. What laws they had, when she heard the laws she instantly felt bad that she had unknowingly found out about them but Carlisle assured her that nothing bad would happen which she was grateful for.

Bella's birthday quickly came around and quickly left resulting in Jasper nearly draining Bella but in all honesty it wasn't his fault, Edward pushed Bella into the table making the situation a whole lot worse.

Soon after that day all of the Cullen's left though thankfully Carlisle still talked to her, he became like a best friend to her.

The days after Edward left became strange, Bella rarely moved from the window in her bedroom, she barely ate, or showered.

Each and every single night Bella woke up screaming the house down. It has started to take its toll on not only Charlie but Rose as well.

Rose began to distance herself she couldn't handle the pain of seeing Bella how she was, she would spend most if not all of her time reading in the living room near Charlie so that she would not have to deal with bella.

Bella was depressed for months on end until she began to spend time with Jacob black again, when she did it was like Edward leaving has never happened, she was finally happy again, but of course Jacob to disappeared one day.

His disappearance made bella fall back into her old routine before she ended up dragging rose down to the Rez where they witnessed the Rez boys turn into giant wolves.

Yet another drama that Bella had dragged her into.

For a few weeks later and of course bella pulls some dumb shit again. She has jumped off a cliff resulting in Alice cullen coming back, which also resulted in the three women leaving for Italy, not before Rose called Charlie and told him that she was going away for a few days.

She has no idea why Alice was so insistent that she go with them to Italy but she didn't know if the feeling she felt as she slowly got closer to Volterra was a good on or a bad one.

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