Chapter 4

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The volturi kings looked towards their mate as a woman brought in a group of tourist. But her eyes were not on the humans she had brought in, no they were on the blonde vampire herself.

She tilted her head slightly as she frowned at the woman, for some reason the woman made her feel utterly safe, it wasn't like what she felt for the kings, no it was like how she felt with Charlie, it was the same safe a parent made you feel.

Marcus looked down at his mate and tilted his head slightly before he looked at Heidi who was staring right back at his mate, he smiled slightly as he watched the thin green thread thicken till it was a bright and vibrant green colour, colour of a parent child relationship.

Rose moved away from her mates and stared at the woman as both of them slowly walked towards each other quickly. The two women wrapped their arms around each other and held onto one another tightly neither letting go and neither caring about the looks the humans or the other vampires in the room were giving them.

Rose slowly stepped back from the woman tears in her eyes before she looked at the humans "feed I'll wait" she whispered before she went and sat down on the middle throne again and watched as all the vampires began to feed, she had seen so much death in her life that it didn't bother her.

She looked up as her mates came to stand next to her as the woman looked between her and them before she sighed "Rosie" she whispered
"You know her Heidi" Felix muttered
"She's my daughter" Heidi whispered shocking all of the people in the room
"How on earth is that possible you've been a vampire for years" Caius muttered
"Much like you have your bond with her, I have mine, and guessing by the look on Dimitris face he too has a bond with her" Heidi mumbled
"How did you know her name" Aro muttered
"I don't know it felt right" Heidi smiled

Rose looked at the woman and tilted her head she had a little resemblance to her biological mother
"I..I've not felt this in a long time" she whispered
"What darling" Heidi smiled softly
"Safe. Utterly and perfectly safe" she mumbled "I only feel it with Charlie, sometimes with Carlisle but with you and those three next to me in feel utterly safe" she mumbled
Marcus kneeled next to her "you will never not be safe with us, we will protect you for the rest of our lives"
She smiled softly and looked at him lifting her hand up to gently run her finger across the lines on his face.

It was only a few seconds later that she was in his arms laughing loudly as he sped out of the throne room with her until her and her three mates were all in the library.

She gasped as she looked around once marcus had put her down, she slowly looked around and dragged her hand across all of the books next to her "you like reading" Caius smiled
"Reading was my escape when my parents died, it became a way to cope with the pain and the anger" she whispered
Aro lifted his hand to touch her but quickly moved away.

She tilted her head as she looked at him "why do you do that when you don't wear gloves" she mumbled
"My gift is invasive, I do not wish to make you uncomfortable" he mumbled

She looked at him for a second, she could see the care and concern in his eyes, she smiled softly as she held her hand out to him "don't think any less of me after what you see" she whispered
"I could never" he whispered as he gently grabbed her hand.

Aro looked through her memories, every single memory she had ever had, he watched the night her parents died, he watched the life not only fade from her parents eyes but he also watched as the happiness disappeared from his mates eyes. He watched as she was legally adopted by Charlie swan, he watched as her relationship with Bella began to strain as she never came home but he also watched as the happiness slowly returned to her eyes before finally hearing her laugh again while she was messing with Charlie. He saw all the books Charlie and her would read together, all the times that they would sit and watch football and baseball, every father daughter thing they did. He saw when Bella came back, he watched as she found out about vampires and then he watched both Alice and Edward completely ignore her and take interest in Bella instead.

Aro watched as Bella broke her fathers heart and left Rose picking up all the pieces, but he also watched their friendship begin to fade as she chose to get closer to Carlisle instead. He watched as her and Charlie danced on their prom night and he couldn't help but smile at her thoughts to her father figure, he knew in that moment he would let her tell him everything, not just because of the bond she had with him but because in her own way Roselia loved Charlie like he was her own father.

Slowly all the memories began to fade until the ones from that day.  He watched as Alice told her she needed to help save Edward, he watched Alice hurt his sweet mate but what made him smile most of all were her memories of her dreams involving her three mates.

He slowly pulled out of her mind but stayed close to her "the giddy one" he smiled as he looked down at her
"I had no idea what your name was it was quite fitting" she smiled softly
"What are you on about brother" Caius mumbled as he leaned back in his chair
"It seems our dear mate has a gift of her own, maybe even more than one" Aro smiled
"Which is" Marcus mumbled
"She can see the future, not like Alice can, our dear rose has only ever seen us but it seems her visions of the future don't change on a person decision like Alice's do, roses visions are visions of what are actually going to happen" Aro mumbled
"Magnifico" caius whispered as he looked at his mate

She blushed and hid her head into aros chest and pouted as all three of her mates chuckled at her face.

"I have something I wish to discuss with you" Aro whispered.

She slowly looked up at him "which is"
"The man in your mind, Charlie, he's important to you I can see that, he's the father you've always had and I can see you will never be happy if your father is not with you, so I give you full permission to tell your father all about our life style" he mumbled

She blinked slightly and looked up at her giddy mate "really" she whispered softly
He nodded as caius and Marcus smiled at her "anything to make you happy cara" Marcus whispered

She smiled and wrapped her arms around Aro tightly "thank you" she whispered

As Aro held his mate in his arms he could feel her happiness, her mind was so full of darkness that he was worried, but when she was with them the darkness disappeared, he knew she could not take kissing another parental figure and so Charlie swan would know all about the supernatural world.

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