Chapter 5

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Roselia spent as much time as she could with her three mates as she waited for the sun to go down.

She found out that the festival outside was called st Marcos day festival was named after Marcus, in the small town it was legend that Marcus had been the one to run all the vampires out of the city many centuries ago. When he told her she couldn't help but let out a little laugh at that. She also found out that Marcus absolutely loved reading and collecting new books.

She found out that Aro absolutely loved gardening, which shocked her more than it should have, she never expected him to love gardening but his smile made her smile when he spoke about it.

And finally she found out that caius loved to paint, that most of the art work on the walls around the castle were actually painted by him. Which she fours absolutely adorable.

While she was spending time with her three mates Bella, Edward and Alice were all sat in a different room in the far end of castle far away Roselia.

Bella paced around the room, she had no idea that her friend could be so cruel, she was now mated to three of the most ruthless men in all of the supernatural world, her friend had ruined all of her plans for the future, the plan to never grow old and be immortal till the end of time.

Edward looked at Bella with a slight frown on his face he always thought that when he turned bella she would end up being his but now that he knew from Marcus she was nothing but his blood singer but a part of him wanted to still be with her, to keep the bond that they had been making over the last few months, a part of him didn't want to find his mate if it meant leaving bella behind.

Alice stood in the corner of the room frowning to herself, she had seen bella become one of them, she still could see it but now she could not sees Roses future, it was like something was blocking her. Alice knew she should have bargained more with Aro before he got rose but she didn't think any of this would even get this far.

Hours later as the sun began to set Dimitri walked towards their room flanked by Felix and Heidi each of them carrying a suitcase.  He opened the door and couldn't hold his glare at the fact that edward cullen was still holding bella like she was the most precious thing in the world.
"This is revolting, come it's time to leave" Dimitri mumbled
"We didn't bring bags why do you have them" Bella questioned
Felix smirked as he looked at the human "did you really think the masters would leave their queen without guards around you" he spat
Heidi gently placed her hand on felixs arm "calm your self" she whispered "come we are meeting the queen at the door"

The silence from the two vegetarian vampires was deafening, they both finally realised what they had done and who they had done it to, it made them realise how lucky they were to be walking out of volterra alive.

The three of them froze when they arrived to the doors leading out to the castle, there stood in front of the door were the three kings and rose, the three kings were cradling the human in their arms whispering sweet nothings in her ear as they held her as tight as they could without hurting her.

Rose looked up at her mates and quickly buried her head into Caius' chest, she has only known them for a few hours but those hours had been amongst the best in her entire life, she had no problems with them, all her anxiety's washed away when she was near them, when she was in their arms everything felt right.

She barely realised that she had been crying until marcus slowly lifted her head up "do not cry Mia cara" he whispered softly as he kissed her tears away
"I'm sorry I didn't know I was" she mumbled as she leaned into his hand
"It's okay, the bond makes it hard to leave one another, we will not be apart long" Aro whispered
"We'll be apart too long, your home is here and mine is in America" she mumbled
"Our home is where you are" caius whispered
"We will be visiting you as much as we can" Marcus whispered as he kissed her head gently

She nodded and buried her head into aros chest and sighed softly as all of them lifted their heads and looked towards the guards and cullens that were stood away from them giving them space.
"I think that is my cue to leave" she whispered softly
The kings nodded and hugged her tightly before she stepped back knowing if she stayed in their arms she would never leave.

She looked at them for a second before she smiled and turned away from them and was instantly wrapped in a hug from Heidi.

"Darling" Aro mumbled
She turned to him and tilted her head "never doubt us amore, we will be together soon" he smiled
"None of you have my doubt" she whispered softly as she moved and kissed each of their cheeks gently.

She looked back at Heidi "we have to go or I'll never leave" she whispered and walked out to the two black cars outside.  She guided to the one in the front where she sat inside with both Dimitri and Heidi as felix went with Bella and the Cullen's in the second one.

She sat in the middle and gazed out of the black window and watched as her mates slowly began to disappear from view as the car slowly left volterra.

She leaned into Dimitri and closed her eyes "they meant their words, they would never leave you for long" he whispered softly as he wrapped his arm around his sister
"I know" she whispered softly

She stayed leaning into his side with her eyes closed as the further they got from volterra the more her heart began to ache.

The three kings stood and watched as their mates car disappeared from view, all of them instantly feeling the affects of not being with her.
"Now we be the kings we need to be in order to see her quicker" Marcus whispered his old stoic face returning now that they do not have their mate by their side
"Starting with the Cullen's" caius growled as they walked back into the castle

The three of them instantly sped to the their office and grabbed the phone instantly dialling Carlisles number.

"Hello" he mumbled through the phone
"It's been quite awhile my dear friend" Aro whispered
"Aro it's good to hear from you" Carlisle smiled
"We wish we could say the same" Caius glared at the phone
"What has happened" Carlisle questioned
"You son and daughter thought it would be wise to use our mate and their queen against us" Marcus mumbled
"You found your mate" Carlisle smiled "I'm happy for you, tell me what they did"
"Roselia is our mate dear friend, Alice thought it would be wise to use her as a bargaining chip in order to save Isabella and Edward. But in doing so both of them hurt Roselia, their queen, Alice hurt her arm but Edward choked out mate" Aro explained making caius growl loudly as he remembered when Edward had done that, he had never wanted to kill a man more than when his mate was in pain.

Carlisle sat on the other end of the phone in complete shock, Roselia had become quite important to him in the months that he had known her, she had become his confidant and he hers, they were more than friends, more than soul siblings, they were each other's person, the one they would have been destined for if their mates had died.

"They did what" Carlisle growled shocking all three of the kings "make no mistake Aro they will be dealt with" he mumbled the anger still very present in his voice.
The three kings looked at each other and nodded "we believe you, I have seen your relationship with our mate in her memories, protect her Carlisle, while we can't" Aro whispered
"With my life" Carlisle mumbled

Marcus looked down and watched the new thin thread of a bond snap into place for his mate and he couldn't help but smile at it, the beautiful rose gold colour of second mates, a mate made purely for the purpose being together if they lost their first mate but in their world if the people still had their first mates then it would almost be like imprinting like the shifters. Carlisle and Roselia would protect and love each other for life, the love that should have turned into romance but now had developed into a beautiful and flourishing friendship, they would always be what their mates could not be to them. When they could not express their worries, thoughts, hopes and dreams to their mates, their second mate would be their to listen, love, protect each other until the end of time.

Thankfully Aro, Caius, Marcus and Esme could not and would not be jealous of the relationship due to the nature of it, Roselia and Carlisle cullen would never happen, they would never be each other's lover but they would always be the one to call when they're sad, in trouble, if things began to take a turn for the worse there would be no where in the world that the two could run to without the other, and in death the two second mates would continue to watch over and guide the other until the end of forever.

The Queen they needed- The volturi kings Where stories live. Discover now