Chapter 16

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Shortly after Roselia and the kings spoke to Eleazar they had to leave, all of them were slightly shocked at the information they had been given but they all knew that they would protect Rose above anything.

The car journey to the jet had been quite as they all tried to process the news which they heard from Eleazar, their sweet mate was going to become the most powerful vampire in existence, which meant 1. The volturi we're going to be even more powerful and 2. Their queen would need all the protection she could get.

Rose hummed a little as she walked onto the plan and sighed as she sat down in the seats in the back, only a few seconds later Aro was by her side and caius and Marcus were sat opposite her.

She looked at them and frowned as she laid her head on aros shoulder, thinking about what was going to happen to her, she was going to turn into a vampire and then she'd be a monster, a monster who controls life and death.

Aro growled a little "no you won't" he whispered as he tugged her closer to him. It was only now that she realised she was holding aros hand tightly. The news of her powers getting the best of her.
"You will never be a monster Roselia, not now and not when you turn" he whispered as he pulled her onto his lap and watched as she buried her head into the crook of his neck.

She closed her eyes and sighed softly taking in his scent, the smell of grass and mint filling her senses, as she leaned into him she slowly began to calm down. The life part of her power made her curious, what life could she give could she simply bring back a human from death or could she make it so vampires could have children. She knew a lot of people that would want children. She had never thought of children before but when she was with her mates she thought of children that looked exactly like her mates. Aros and Caius' children would be boys by Marcus' child would be a little girl the exact image of her father. But she knew deep down she could never have a family with her mates and it made her sad.

Aro looked down at his sweet mate in his arms and frowned as he heard all her thoughts swirling around her head. His undead heart broke for all the wishes she had in her mind, the picture of him and his brother running around the gardens with their children as she sat under one of the tree watching her family.

"Oh mia cara" he whispered as he ran his hand through her hair gently "I cannot promise that what your thinking will ever come to true but I can promise you that I will spend the rest of my days finding out if it is possible" he mumbled as he held her a little bit tighter
"What's wrong" Marcus mumbled
"can I tell your mates what your thinking" he whispered

She stopped for a second before she slowly nodded her head before she closed her eyes again and curled into him

"She's thinking about her gift, she things she's going to be a monster when she turns for the death part but with the life part she's think about children" Aro whispered "our children"

Caius and Marcus froze for a second before they looked down at their mate, they had never thought about children before, it had been millennia since they even thought about children of their own. But now as they sat looking at their mate they couldn't help but imagine the children they could have. Children an exact mix of them and her, with her beautiful eyes. It was then in that moment all three of the kings decided they would find a way to give their mate children.

Rose slowly looked up at Aro and gently kissed his cheek, he slowly looked down at her and smiled softly as he ran his hand through his hair gently "I love you" she whispered softly
"And I love you amore" he mumbled

Slowly Rose relaxed into Aro with her head laid on his chest she began to slowly fall asleep.

Going to volterra was going to be different for all of them, Rose had never stayed in a different country before, and now she was staying for quite a few weeks. To the kings they had never had a human in their home that they wouldn't eventually drain dry but now their sweet mate was going to be living with them, god help anyone that disrespects their mate.

It was almost twelve hours later by the time they landed in Italy, due to rose still being asleep Aro carried her off of the plane and into the car where he held her until they reached the castle.

After laying her down on the bed, he and the other kings left Dimitri to stand outside the door to keep her safe while they and spoke to the rest of the volturi.

It was barely ten minutes after she was left in his room when she stirred and yawned a little as she looked around the room she smiled, she could immediately tell this room was aros, it was dark but it had aspects of life in it, there were flowers and books all over, books of flowers and of knowledge. She adored this room.

She slowly stood up and walked to the door and smiled as she looked at Dimitri who was stood on the other side.
"Will you take me to the gardens" she whispered
"Of course sister" he smiled and looped his arm through hers and escorted her out to the garden.

Once they got to the gardens she smiled and let go of her brother and hummed as she began to walk around the gardens and looked around at all the flowers.

She tilted her head slightly as she watched a dirt path go off into the garden "what's over there" she whispered as she pointed
"Master Marcus does not allow anyone over there" Dimitri mumbled

She looked at him for a second before she walked down the path and watched as Dimitri stopped at the top of it not going any further. She slowly walked to the end and frowned as she looked around the messy part of the garden, her eyes instantly landed on the slab of dark stone covered in overgrown plants and vines.

She smiled softly as she kneeled by it "let's get you cleaned up Didyme" she whispered softly

She slowly began to unpick the vines and cut the flowers which were dead from around the stone until eventually it was as if the stone was brand new.

"I'm sad we never got the pleasure to meet, you seemed to make Marcus happy, certainly happier than Aros and Caius' wives made them" she whispered as she gently touched the stone and frowned as she felt pure terror revolve off the stone, it was as if she could feel the last feelings the woman had felt betrayal and fear.

She shook her head slightly before she pulled her hand away "thank you for loving him Didyme, I promise I'll make him happy" she whispered softly

She looked at them stone and smiled a little before she jumped slightly feeling two arms wrap around her but she sagged slightly when she felt the familiar sparks.
"I see you found her" Marcus whispered
"I did. She looked a little untidy I cleaned up, I hope that's okay" she whispered
"That is more than okay princess, thank you" he mumbled as he laid his head on her shoulder as he looked down at the grave stone in front of him.
"She loved you when I could not, I know your love for her and her for you was far more than what Caius and Aro felt for their wives and yet I cannot seem to be jealous of the love you shared with her. I saw you in my dreams for years and you always looked so sad, but standing here now I know that you were happy and you did love" she whispered
"And now I have you. And I am happy and I love you" he whispered as he kissed her shoulder gently
"And i you" she whispered

She leaned down and placed a gently kiss to the top of the stone "iremise Didyme" (rest easy)

She slowly looked at him "I'll wait down there take your time my love" she whispered and kissed his cheek before she left him by the stone.

Marcus looked down at the now clean stone that his beautiful mate and smiled softly "you'd have loved her didyme" he whispered as he gently ran his hand over the top of her stone "until we meet again" he whispered before he sped to his mate.

Didyme Volturi would always be remembered in the volturi castle and rose would make sure of that, but what she also wanted to know is why the girl in her death felt betrayed. She would find out why even if it was just for Marcus' peace of mind.

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