Chapter 8

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For the rest of that night, felix, Dimitri and rose sat in her room and let the two new mates get to know each other.

Rose was happy that Charlie now had someone, he has been alone without that kind of love for such a long time and now he had a chance to have that and she would be their number one supporter.

That night she fell asleep with her head rested on Dimitris shoulder finally happy that she was away from both Edward and Alice and all the drama they had both caused in the last two days.

The next morning she was awoken all too early due to her needing to go to school yet again thankfully there was only a few weeks left until she would graduate and then legally she could do absolutely anything she wanted.

She pouted slightly as she got dressed and shuffled down stairs where Heidi was sat with Charlie, felix was relaxing on the couch, Bella her left earlier and Dimitri was cooking.

She flopped onto the couch next to felix and yawned "this is crap, I'm never doing school again" she mumbled causing Dimitri and felix to let out small chuckled
"A few more weeks and then you can do what you like Rosie" Heidi smiled

She nodded a little and closed her eyes again and sighed when her phone rang not even bothering to check who it was. "This better be bloody important" she mumbled still keeping her eyes closed
"We can always call back mia regina" Caius voice filled her ears (my queen)
She gasped and sat up quickly "caius" she whispered smiling
"Hello darling, Marcus and Aro are here too" he mumbled
"Hi all of you" she smiled
"Hello tesoro" Marcus mumbled softly (sweetheart)
"Hi cara Mia" Aro smiled (my darling)

She smiled softly to herself.
"How are you all" she whispered
"We are terrible without you darling, how about you" Marcus whispered
"I'm okay, missing you all, I saw Edward true mate she's going to be at school soon and Heidi found her mate in my dad" she smiled
"That's wonderful princess" caius smiled
"It is" she whispered as she laid her head on felixs shoulder
"You sound sad amore" Aro whispered
"I'm not sad. Just missing you all" she mumbled sadly
"We miss you too darling" Marcus whispered
She smiled a little and looked up at the clock "I'm sorry loves I have to go I've got school"

She heard a chorus of goodbyes from her mates before the phone went dead.

She sighed softly they're voices making the pain in her chest go away slightly but she couldn't help but tear up at the fact she wasn't with them
"Rose" Charlie whispered coming to kneel infront of her
She sniffled a little "I miss them dad" she whispered softly
"Oh darling" he whispered as he stood up and wrapped his arms around her and held her to him as she hugged him back tightly.

The three guards couldn't help but look on sadly at the young queen, each of them had their mates with them in that room and yet she has to suffer not having even one with her.

She sighed softly and pulled out of his arms "I'm okay" she mumbled "Dimitri let's go" she whispered as she grabbed an apple off the table and walked out to her car. She got into the passenger seat and waited.

It was a matter of minutes before Dimitri was next to her and driving towards the little school
"Are you sure your okay" he mumbled grabbing her hand gently
"No but I have to be" she smiled a little as she turned and looked out of the window.

It didn't take them long to get to the school but she watched as everyone turned their heads to her car when it pulled in next to Jaspers car. She looked to Dimitri "ready for the high schoolers to stare" she whispered
"I'm here to keep you safe sister I'm ready for anything, I'm also in all your classes so isn't that fun" he smiled
"Absolutely thrilling" she muttered sarcastically

She watched as he stepped out of the car and moved around it before opening her door and holding his hand out to her "shall we wreak havoc sister" he smirked
"Indeed we shall" she whispered as she placed her hand in his and got out of the car with him.

She watched as all the students looked at her in shock as her and Dimitri walked towards the office where they got his timetable.

The rest of that day was quite easy, she ignored all the stares that her and Dimitri got and instead chose to sit with him during every lesson, he had been alive longer than most people and tried to help her any way that he could but she would shrug him off and glare at him.

That's how most of her week would go, she'd wake up, get a call from her mates or just one of them some days, go to school and then go home and repeat the process.

Until Friday came.

She stepped out of the car with Dimitri and looked towards the steps where she smiled, her soul sister was finally here.
"Today is going to be interesting" she whispered to Dimitri who nodded

Both of them spent most of the day in each other's company again until lunch time where she saw the new girl looking around lost while bella glared at her and Edward looked at her in awe.

She smiled a little and walked over the girl "hi, I'm Rose why don't you come sit with me and my brother" she mumbled
"That would be nice thank you, I'm Sabrina" she whispered
"It's lovely to meet you" rose smiled

That lunch time both Sabrina and rose got to know each other, and instantly they became attached to one another and Dimitri, the three of them being the siblings that none of them ever had.

They found out that in the afternoons Rose, Sabrina and Dimitri all had the same classes together so the three of them would sit and whisper to each other during those lessons.

Soon though the day was cut short by the sound of the bell ringing.

"Thank you for being kind to me today" Sabrina mumbled as they reached the stairs
"What are friends for" Rose smiled
Sabrina looked up and her eyes widened as she watched a man step out of his car and he looked incredibly intimidating.
"Who's that" she mumbled

Rose looked up and gasped as she saw him, she instantly dropped her bag on the stairs and flew down the stairs as she ran into his waiting arms.

She jumped so her legs were around his waist and her head was buried into his neck.

"Who is that" Sabrina mumbled as she looked up at Dimitri who leaned down to pick up roses bag
"That's roses boyfriend, it's sort of long distance he lives in Italy and she lives here, he and I set this up so he could surprise her" Dimitri smiled
"Your a brother" she smiled

Rose sighed softly as slowly the pain in her chest slowly began to disappear as she relaxed into him not caring about the stares she was getting
"I missed you" he mumbled
"I missed you too Caius more than you could ever imagine" she whispered as she slowly moved her head from his neck and smiled at him.

The students all looked at them both, all of them envious and jealous, they were not only jealous of the happiness on their faces but also jealous that such a plain ordinary girl could get someone as godly as caius.

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