Chapter 11

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Caius volturi returned to volterra just twelve hours after his date and first kiss with his mate, he was full of life, as he walked into the throne room all the vampires froze as their the angry king stood with a large smile on his face, he had spent the most amazing week with his sweet mate, he had taken her to school almost every day and picked her up every night afterwards.

He has helped her cook, and helped her study for up coming exams. But most importantly every night his sweet mate laid next to him in bed and curled herself around him. Caius had never been as content as he had when his mate was in his arms.

Caius looked at his brothers and smiled
"Our darling wishes to come to volterra after her graduation I said we would make preparations" he mumbled
"Good" Marcus mumbled as he frowned slightly, the bonds connecting him and his brothers to their mate were slowly changing from a vibrant gold to a dull colour.

Aro, Caius and Marcus sighed as they felt the all too familiar ache in their chests, however they all put it down to not being with their mate, little did they know they're sweet mate was in a lot more pain.

Roselia monroe swan had never known heartbreak before but the pain she felt knowing her mates were married was unparalleled to anything else she had ever felt. It felt as though her heart has been shattered into three halves.

The days after caius left she was the saddest anyone had ever seen her, on Saturday and Sunday she stayed in her bedroom, she wouldn't talk to any of the cullen children, nor Carlisle or Esme. Charlie had tried to get his daughter out of her bedroom but she stayed still, she stayed staring at the shirt that caius had left in her room.

Heidi has tried taking her daughter out of the swan household but all she did was turn over and look out the window.

Dimitri tried talking to her but the human said nothing and then finally felix walked into her room and shouted, she didn't flinch, she didn't cry, she didn't say anything she just stared at the man before she looked back at the wall.

The moment felix shouted and nothing happened they realised just how broken the news of their wives had made her.

In roses mind she had been tricked into caring for them, she had been thrown into the vampire world and made to care for three of the most powerful men in that world all to find out she was the other woman. She was a home wrecker, a life ruiner, she didn't doubt that when their wives found out about her they would classify her as a whore and in that moment she felt like one.

The second after the kings trial had ended they instantly sped to their office and grabbed their phone and instantly called their mate.

Rose slowly looked over at the phone and picked it up looking at the name on it, she debated answering it but she knew if she heard their voices it would start a whole load of crying again. She looked at her phone one last time before declining the call.

Her mates frowned and tried again but only grew angry when the calls stopped going through and her phone switched off.

The next morning was a day she had to leave her room, she had school.

As she walked down the stairs she was shocked to see the entire cullen family, her guards and her father all sat in the living room. The moment they saw her each and everyone of them looked to her, Carlisle stood and walked over to her and pulled her into his arms.

She froze slightly before she wrapped her arms around him too
"The kings have been blowing up our phones" he whispered

She froze again before she let go of him, before she walked past them and out to the car, Dimitri was instantly in the drivers seat.

That day was quite. She rarely spoke, she barely ate her lunch, Sabrina sat with her new found friend and immediately pulled the girl into a hug. It didn't matter that they hardly knew each other Sabrina knew her friend needed help and so she helped.

Her week went mostly the same, ignore calls from the kings, do school work, not talk, barely eat. It seemed like a never ending cycle.

The kings finally had enough of not being able ti contact their mate and called the guards with her the moment felix answered the shouting began
"Does someone want to explain why we cannot contact our mate" Caius growled loudly
"It's not out place to say master caius, our queen ordered us to not say" Heidi mumbled
"That's unacceptable tell us now" aro mumbled
"I'm sorry but no, we would never break the rules that you set or the orders you give us so we will not do that for our queen" Dimitri mumbled
"All we will tell you is that is doesn't eat, she doesn't sleep, she sits and stares at the wall all day, she goes to school, comes homes and doesn't talk to anyone, she's in pain all the time and we cannot help" Heidi whispered
"We're on our way" Marcus muttered before the phone cut off

Three days later Rose walked down the steps of the school and sighed softly as she looked around for Dimitri, but instead of finding him stood next to her car. Caius, Aro and Marcus stood there.

She froze as she looked at them before she tore her eyes away from them and walked to the passenger side of her car, dodging Caius' arms as she walked past him.

The three kings frowned before they each got into the car "amore" Aro whispered
"Take me home" she whispered her voice hoarse and void of any emotion

They had no idea what was happening but they did not like the look on her face. As they looked at her they could see the dark bags under her eyes indicating she hadn't slept for quite awhile, her face full of pain.

They had killed many people in their life time but the pain on their mates face couldn't compare to any of the pain they had seen before.

The ride home was quite and the moment the car stopped she rushed out of the car and rushed into her bedroom.

The three kings walked into the house and were immediately greeted by the glares of Charlie swan, it was in that moment that they realised that their mate was this way because of something that they did but they did not know what.

They slowly walked into her bedroom and looked at her as she curled up on the bed.

"Tesoro" Marcus whispered as he kneeled by her
"Go home" she mumbled looking away from them all
"We aren't going anywhere" Aro whispered
"Go home" she whispered again
"No. There is something wrong we would like to know what" Caius whispered

She stood up slowly her eyes hard as she looked at the three of them "go home, go away, stop calling me" she glared
"Why would we do any of that your our mate" Marcus frowned

She glared at them "am I, am I really your mate, or am I just a joke to you all, was this a joke, you saw me in that throne room and decided oh I know we're bored let's pretend this stupid, silly girl is our mate. Let's make her fall in love with us and then shatter her heart" she whispered tears slowly falling down her face
"Roselia what on earth are you talking about" Aro mumbled reaching out to her
"Do not touch me. None of you get to touch me" she whispered
"Stop being ridiculous" Caius growled
"Oh I'm ridiculous, that's rich coming from you all, I can't believe I fell in love with you all and all this time I was the other woman, the home wrecker. Go home. Go away, go back to your god damn wives" she growled

The three of them froze as they looked at her
"Piccolo" Marcus whispered
"No. No. Do not call me those names, you do not get to call me those things anymore. I loved you, I love you, you made me love you" she gasped as the pain in her chest began to ache more "go away, go away" she mumbled as she turned away from them.

They looked at the pain on her face, the anger, they knew nothing they said right now would help, nothing they could do could rectify the situation they had caused. They sped out of the room and away from the house, no matter how far they went they could still hear the painful sobs of their sweet mate.
They knew they had messed up, they should have been honest with her and now they must deal with the consequences of their actions.

The Queen they needed- The volturi kings Where stories live. Discover now