Chapter 17

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In the days after they had returned to Volterra the three kings showed her around everything in the castle.

She spent a night in each of their rooms curled up next to her loves.

Being with Marcus was easy, it was comfortable and she trusted him quite a lot.

Then their were caius and Aro, each time she looked at them she fell deeper and deeper in love, she watched them be amazing kings, perfect examples of decorum.

The night after she discovered Didmyes grave she spent a few hours in the library reading through the history of the volturi, she promised she would find out what happened to her and that is what she was going to do.

However in reading the history of the Volturi she had found out some very very interesting information which made her smile.

She grabbed the book and walked towards the throne room with felix and Dimitri on either side of her, thankfully they had no trials today so she would not be interrupting anything.

"Look what I found cai" she smiled as she walked into the room ignoring the looks some of the guards gave her as she spoke to caius with what they deemed very little respect
"I see you've found our history" he smiled as he stood from his throne
"Hmm, the oldest vampire in the entire world, the first of his kind, the strongest, most ruthless vampire in existence. Do you know is name" she whispered looking up at her blonde mate
"I think you should remind me" he whispered as he leaned down their lips just inches away from each other
"Caius volturi, my ruthless vampire, how old you are darling" she smiled as she brushed her lips against his

He growled softly and pulled her closer to her "does it not scare you" he mumbled
"I have learnt that vampires have powers, and I've learnt every vampire in the world is different. You being the first of your kind does not scare me caius, it makes me sad you've had to wait so long for happiness" she whispered
"I never have to think about not having happiness again. You are my happiness" he whispered as he pulled her onto his lap as he sat back on his throne.

She smiled a little as she curled around him and opened the book again and began to read it again, not long after the doors to the throne room opened, as she looked up she watched Felix and Santiago drag in a vampire who looked complete feral But something felt off about him, something she needed to find out.
"Take the queen to my rooms" Aro mumbled to Dimitri
"No" rose whispered as she stayed sat on caius

All three of the kings heads snapped to her all three of them frowning "that's not wise" Marcus mumbled

She looked towards Aro and just held her hand out to him, she blocked off all her thoughts of didyme and let him focus on the feelings she was feeling from the vampire infront of her.

"The queen stays" Aro muttered as he kissed her hand gently before he dropped it and slowly walked down the steps infront of him

"Now what do we have here" Aro smirked at the vampire in front of him
"We found him in the gardens master, holding a scarf that belonged to the queen" Felix mumbled

Caius' arms tightened around her as he kissed her shoulder gently "hush my love I'm okay" she whispered softly as she leaned into him more but kept her eyes on the vampire infront of Aro, she could see the pain in him, practically hear the guilt, she could see death, the death he caused, the death he would received. But she also saw one more death.

Aro was instantly in front of the vampire gripping his hand as if it was something he should throw away quickly. Aros face quickly morphed into one of anger and confusion as he pulled away from the vampires and glared at him "I can't see anything" he growled before he smirked and looked at Jane "Jane darling get him to talk"

Jane walked up to the vampire with a sadistic smirk on her face and muttered one simple world pain

She watched as the vampire began to scream in pain and contort on the floor, as she watched she couldn't help but think of the death she saw in his eyes and frowned a little as she looked at him harder, the harder she looked at him the stronger the feeling of death she got from him. This man wasn't just a normal vampire, he was a hit him.
"He's a hitman" she mumbled causing everyone to look at her
"Excuse me" Aro mumbled as he frowned looking at his mate
"I can see it, he's a hit man, his kills aren't slow and simple he drags them out, fills their body with venom and just before it reaches their heart he pulls their heads from their body and burns them" she mumbled as she frowned

Aro looked at the man in front of him "so you've been killing excessively, what to do with you" he mumbled
"You know why you will do Aro" caius muttered
"Indeed I do" Aro smirked as he looked at Jane "give him more"

Rose watched as it seemed that Jane pumped more pain into the vampire on the floor. She tilted her head slightly and frowned the death she could see was recent, she could see it in his eyes, feel it as she looked at him, he had killed someone recently.

She slowly stood up and batted caius hands away from her and pushed past Aro as she looked down at the vampire in pain on the floor.

She kneeled by his head and placed her hands on either side of his temples and closed her eyes and watched all the people he had killed in that day before she gasped loudly "your killing for fun" she mumbled looking down at him

She slowly stood up her eyes pure black as she looked at Aro, her mates looked at her in awe she was incredible.

"He's killing for fun, for a prize him and his coven are fighting for" she whispered as she wobbled slightly the feeling of death getting stronger.
"What's the prize" caius whispered all three of her kings froze as they looked in her eyes

She watched as Jane let the man go and smiled softly "I love you" she whispered softly before a sharp sting went through her neck as the vampire jumped up and bit her making her scream loudly.

In a matter of seconds the vampire was on fire with no head.
"The prize of the new queen, curtesy of the old queens" she whispered as she swayed and slowly began to fall.

Seconds before she hit the floor she was caught by Aro, her three kings had tears in their eyes, tears that would never fall.
"What did you do" Marcus shouted kneeling next to his mate
"I felt death, I saw death, I saw who he was going to kill" she gasped as pain surged through her
"Call a doctor quickly we have to get the venom out" caius yelled
"It's too late" she whispered as she slowly reached her hand up to stroke Aros cheek
"It's never too late" he whispered his voice breaking
"I saw this. I saw him kill you. My life for yours seems perfectly acceptable" she whispered her voice hoarse, the venom quickly spreading through her body making her cry out in pain.

She looked at her three mates before she smiled slightly tears falling down her face "I love you" she whispered "I trust you" she mumbled

Her final words as a human, dedicated to the men she loved, her last words filled with love and hope. Her last words filled with forgiveness. She has forgiven them for the wives, and she had forgiven them for the pain.

The guards looked around in shock as they watched their three stoic, angry kings fall to pieces as their sweet human began to feel the pain of her transition.

They were the volturi kings and she was the queen they needed. God have mercy on anyone that hurt their queen, that vampire would likely be the first of many to try and harm their queen but the kings vowed then and their the man they had killed would be the only one to ever lay a hand on their queen, whoever tried next would burn.

The volturi kings would burn the world for their queen.

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