Chapter 12

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Hate was a very strong word, hate was a word to describe things you did not like.

Roselia was always a sweet girl, she was kind and she was amazingly nice, but right now she was absolutely broken.

Rose had not left her room since the kings had left. They had dashed off and listened to her and not returned. Dimitri had come and told her that they had returned to Italy, no doubt they had returned to their wives.

She had fallen asleep that night crying herself to sleep, she truly has fallen in love with those kings and they had completely shattered her heart.

For most of that week she stayed inside, she missed out of days of school before she came to the conclusion she could hate the kings from school, she would not let them ruin the education and good things she has.

She sighed as she changed into her clothes before she walked down the stairs and hummed as she looked Heidi who instantly hugged her.

She hugged back and smiled a little before she grabbed Dimitris hand and walked out to the car with him.

Her day was normal, go to class, talk to Sabrina and pretend to be happy.

She sat with Sabrina in history and smiled as she talked about how her and Edward were going on a date later after school. She was glad that Sabrina was happy and she was glad that Edward was treating her exactly the way they could.

When lunch rolled around she yet again sat in the far back at a table only her, Sabrina and Dimitri sat on, only today Sabrina was sat with Edward.

She was sat raining to Dimitri when the entire hall went silent, she frowned as she slowly looked up all eyes where on the man in the impeccable suit at the door. He looked different his eyes had brown contacts in, his face slightly sunken in, he looked how she found him that first day she saw him, broken. He was broken just like her.
"Marcus" she whispered, his eyes instantly snapping to hers, she quickly looked down and frowned
"Talk to him" Dimitri whispered "things aren't as they seem" he mumbled before he stood up and walked over to Marcus

She watched as Dimitri spoke to the man before he patted him on the shoulder.

Every single person in the room looked towards Marcus as he slowly began to walk towards her, he glared at people who whispered that he was probably a client of hers, insinuating that she was some short of hooker or whore. He couldn't help but let out a little growl as he passed Jessica Stanley who had a sour look on her face but that quickly morphed into shock when he has growled at her.

He turned his head back to his mate who was still sat in the same chair staring at him, he could see in her eyes that she was having a battle with herself, a battle over what to do, whether to forgive and talk, or turn and run.

He kneeled down next to her and looked up at her
"Let me explain" he whispered quite enough so only she could hear
"You should have explained a long time ago" she whispered
He sighed as he looked at her his hand gently resting on her cheek "I'm not married" he whispered softly

She froze slightly as she looked at him "your not" she whispered
He shook his head "I was, a very long time ago but not anymore" he whispered

She frowned a little we she looked at him "explain" she whispered softly
"I will but not here Tesoro" he mumbled as he stood up and held his hand out to her

She looked at his hand for a second before she was pulled from her thoughts by Sabrina shouting
"Go with your hot Italian boyfriend Elia"
She watched as Edward frowned at Sabrina calling someone else hot, but she smiled anyway "whatever you say sister" Roselia shouted back before she looked at Marcus and slowly stood up. She grabbed his hand gently and sighed feeling the familiar sparks run from her hand all the way up her arm.

She looked up at him her eyes filling with tears "Marcus" she whispered softly, her emotions getting the best of her
"Oh my love" he whispered and quickly pulled her into his arms as he quickly walked out of the school with her.

He quickly rushed over to her car and got in the back with her as Dimitri began to drive. She was on his lap with her head buried in the crook of his neck as she sniffled slightly
"Hush amore im here" he whispered and held her tightly

Dimitri drove them to a house she has never seen before but right now she did not care where she was, she was angry at her mates but she would never feel the content that she felt with them.

Marcus carried her out of the car and into the house immediately dismissing Dimitri. He gently placed her in the couch but she whimpered softly and gripped his wrist tightly "I'm not going anywhere" he whispered as he sat down and pulled her into arms
"Please explain" she whispered as she buried her head into the crook of his neck

He sighed and nodded "I was married, a very long time ago, more than a thousand years ago now, her name was Didyme, she was Aros sister, I always knew she was not my mate but she I grew to love her, we had a happy marriage, a long one and then one day she was killed during a battle with another coven" he whispered "when she died a part of me broke, I could not protect the woman that I had cared for and so I retreated into myself, become the king that would grieve for ever, until you walked into my throne room, it felt as though my heart began to beat again seeing you standing there" he mumbled as he kissed her head gently

He moved her hair slightly as he stroked her cheek "I did not tell you because my marriage is not important anymore, a part of shall always love the woman that showed me compassion but you sweetheart are love I wish to have forever" he mumbled

She bit her lip gently "why didn't caius and Aro tell me about their wives" she whispered
"That I don't know princess you will have to ask them" he whispered

She nodded a little and buried her head into his neck, she knew now she has no right to be mad at Marcus volturi, his love had died many year ago, she knew she should have let them all explain but when she found out she was so angry. Angrier than she ever had been.

But In this moment, wrapped in his arms she knew she had been hurting herself more by being angry at them, now she wasn't going to stop being angry at caius and Aro, not until they explained but with Marcus she would work towards it. After all he never did anything wrong.

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