Chapter 18

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The transition from human to vampire usually lasted three days, three days full of constant pain and agony.

A vampires venom healed everything with in a human before they turned, it healed every scar, every bump or bruise, it healed all human imperfections.

But as the volturi kings sat looking at their sweet mate who laid in aros bed, they knew she was different, the venom wasn't making her scars go away, it wasn't healing all her human imperfections though to them she had never had any imperfections, she was their definition of perfection.

During her transition the kings had not left her side, blood was brought to them, they had Dimitri track the former queens down and bring them to the castle alive.

Aro stayed by his Mates side the entire time holding her hand tightly, he watched everyone she saw in that throne room, she knew someone was going to die, she had made the decision for that someone to be her so that her family didn't get hurt and that broke his undead heart, they were supposed to protect her and they had failed.

Roses thoughts while she was in transition were not filled with pain but instead they were filled with reassuring words, she had been able to feel aros hand in hers so she closed off her pain, pretended she could not feel it all so her mate would not worry about her.

It was only a day and a half later when they heard her heart speed up which confused them, the heart only did this before it stopped completely during the third day. But her heart didn't stop it only slowed down, it was very faint but they could still hear it, her face was still flushed with human colour. Their mate was going to ever more special than they ever realised.

Slowly time ticked by, her breathe became few and far between it was as if she was dying but also she was being reborn. Reborn into something amazing.

The kings heads quickly snapped to their mate as her heart stuttered, they frowned slightly before she gasped as her eyes shot open.

Her eyes were beautiful, they were not red, nor were they the honey gold colour that the Cullen's had. Her eyes were not her human colour instead, her once brown eyes were now a deep silver with black outlining them, a stark cross between light and dark. Her eyes betrayed what she was, she was death and she was life.

As her eyes opened she could see every single spec of dust, she could see each individual fibre in the blanket.

She heard whispering from beside her and instantly snapped her head towards the man who stood on her right, Aro Volturi sat staring intently at his mate.

She looked into those red eyes she adored so much but now she could see everything, she could see his ruby red eyes, how intense they made someone feel, she could see the specs of black in his eyes from the hunger he must feel.

She slowly reached her hand ho and stroked his cheek gently "hello Aro" she whispered her voice exactly the same but different too, it held more authority than it had when she was human
"Amore" he whispered as he leaned into her hand before he pulled her into his chest and buried his own head into the crook of her neck

It was only seconds later that was wrapped in two other sets of arms, she laid in between aros legs with caius on her right and Marcus on her left, all three of them touching her in some way. She leaned into the three of them and closed her eyes "how long was out for" she whispered
"A day and a half" Marcus mumbled as he laid his head on her chest, she slowly reached her hand up and ran her hand through his hair gently
"Your different" caius whispered
"Am I" she mumbled as she looked at him
"Your eyes are silver and black, your heart still beats, I can hear the blood rushing through your veins, your magnificent" Aro mumbled

She frowned a little as she curled into the three of them "so I'm weird" she mumbled
"Absolutely not" Marcus growled

She looked up at him and frowned as her face as her eyes landed on the person next to him.
"Who's that" she whispered

The three kings looked at her and frowned "who's who" Caius mumbled
"The lady stood next to Marcus who is she" she whispered
"There's nobody stood next to me amore" Marcus mumbled

She frowned even more and gripped aros hand so that he could see what she was seeing, he gasped loudly and stood up looking in the space next to Marcus "didyme" he whispered

"You can see me" Didyme whispered
She blinked a little before she nodded "yes I can" she whispered as she slowly sat up
"Why can you see me" Didyme muttered
She smiled a little "death, life maybe a combination of the two" she chuckled softly
Didyme smiled at the girl "you are a ray of sunshine" she whispered

Rose looked at her for a second "I can feel it" she whispered ignoring the looks her mates gave her
"Feel what" didyme whispered
"Your pain, the sadness, the fear but also the betrayal" she mumbled "if you tell me I can help" she whispered
Didyme looked to the girl before she looked to Marcus "I fear if I say it will not just be me who has sadness anymore"

Rose looked to Marcus who was staring intently at the spot next to him, she slowly walked over to him and laid her hand on his shoulder making the man relax slightly
"Neither you nor Marcus will find peace in your death if you keep who did this to yourself" she whispered
"It was the Romanians" Caius mumbled tears in his eyes as he thought of his sister
Both didyme and Rose looked at him with pity in their eyes "oh brother" didyme whispered
"No baby it wasn't" Rose whispered softly

Rose looked at her mates for a second and saw the sadness on their faces
"You death didn't just impact Marcus, it changed all the volturi. You were their happiness, you protected my mates when I never knew they existed, you loved them when I couldn't and I thank you for that. So like me return the favour. Let me help you" she whispered softly

Before didyme could say anything Dimitri sped into the room "we found them, they're in the throne room" he mumbled

Caius and Aro sped off quickly, "Dimitri make sure they do not kill the queens I would like them alive for something" Rose muttered and watched as he sped off

Rose looked towards Marcus and then looked at didyme and frowned slightly, not because of the sadness on his face but because as she looked at Didyme she felt the tug of a bond, a bond similar to the ones she shared with the kings. She had no idea what it meant, she was beyond confused.

Two old queens were in the throne room, another dead in front of her and yet the tug of the bond she felt with the woman infront of her was making her heart twist in painful ways. Why was she feeling this for her.

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