Chapter 2

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Dreams are a way for the subconscious part of your brain to tell you something, each dream you have is unique yet different, but for Roselia her dreams had always been plagued with the same three faces.

One a blonde man who always looked angry.

A dark haired man who always looked too excited.

And a brown haired man who always looked completely and utterly broken.

They had showed up in her dreams for the first time eight years ago, the dream from that day on had always been the same, she was sat with the three of them in a gorgeous garden.

So as she fell asleep on the plane she dreamt of the exact same thing.

Sadly all her dreams get ruined.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Alice and Bella before she quickly followed them both off of the plane, both of them clearly forgetting that she was with them.

She sighed softly as she ran her hand through her hair and frowned as she got into the very expensive car that Alice had just stolen.

She leaned her head against the window as she just listened to her friend and Alice talk about how they needed to save Edward. If she was honest she didn't care if Edward was caught and then ultimately disposed of, Edward had never been kind to her. So she has no idea why on earth she was being dragged to save his stupid sparkly ass.

She sighed as she watched Bella run through a fountain to get to Edward.

She slowly turned to Alice "why the hell am I here alice" she mumbled
"To save Edward silly" she smiled and gripped her arm a little too tight as she dragged her into the clock tower "ow Alice your hurting me" she whispered making everyone look at her

One of the men in black looked at her his eyes wide slightly before he glared at Alice "I think you should let her go now" he growled instantly making Alice step away from the human girl as she rubbed the spot that had already began to bruise

"Are you alright piccolo" he mumbled moving to stand infront of her and gently grabbed her arm to look at the bruise

She slowly looked up at the man and nodded a little "I'm fine" she whispered though he could tell by her voice that she was not but before anyone could say anything a girl walked up to them and began to talk before she began to guide everyone towards an elevator.

Roselia stood next to the guy who has helped her staying away from her friend and the two siblings.

She smiled a little as she heard the weird elevator music "you know the music doesn't make this any less creepy" she whispered to the guy next to her
"Let's just say our leader is a little eccentric" he smiled down at her making her chuckle softly.

Edward glared at the girl making her frown and look down keeping her mouth shut for the rest of the elevator ride.

All of them walked down the corridor and before the doors were pushed open she looked at him "I wish we were just a little too late save you" she mumbled before she followed the others into the large room.

"Seems you have brought some added guests with you Jane" a voice muttered.

She chose to not pay attention to most of the situation as she stood behind Alice.

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