Chapter 7

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Rose and the guard spent hours with the Cullen's and Carlisle, she spent the majority of the time calming her friend down as she answered any and all questions that the Cullen's had.

As she looked out the window she began to think of how quickly her life has changed in just two days but she couldn't feel overwhelmed by it all, instead she was quite content in how fast her life had changed. The safety that her mates offered her made her feel loved. She had known love before, the love of a father figure in Charlie, the love of a friend in Carlisle, the love in a sister with Dimitri but the love the three vampire kings showed her was completely and utterly different and she could do nothing but embrace it.

The hours with the cullens had been fun but she realised she had somewhere else to be, someone else to see and so she got into the car with the three guards and have Felix directions to the small swan household which she loved more than anything. The home had been hers for years, it was the one place she could be herself, where she didn't worry about being judged and instead was welcomed with open arms by Charlie swan.

When the car came to a stop in front of the house she couldn't help but become nervous, she had upped and left the man while he was at work, she could only hope that he wasn't angry with her.

She looked to the guards who had been sent with her and offered them a small smile
"This is something I need to do alone, feel free to stay outside, or go and hunt" she whispered
"We'll be waiting here dear sister" Dimitri whispered

She nodded and slowly walked up the steps to the house and took a deep breath before she opened the door. She had no idea why but she expected for the home to look different but instead it was completely the same, the same warm home, the same smell of gun powered and rain, the scent of Charlie swan. The scent of home.

As she walked through the door and closed it softly she looked towards the arm chair where Charlie loved to sit and read or watch tv, she smiled softly at the man who was doing just that. He was sat watching the baseball game.

Roselia has gotten used to the man doing little things in her life that made her smile, the man built her, her own arm chair which resided next to his own, most of the time he treated her as if she was his daughter than bella, but many people see that it was in fact true, Roselia had always been more of a daughter to Charlie than bella and Rose was starting to realise that she wasn't uncomfortable with it anymore.

In the beginning when he adopted her she could not bring herself to call him dad, it made her feel guilty that she saw him as her dad when her own was dead. But as time went on she began to realise she had a far better relationship with Charlie swan then she ever had with Malcom monroe.

A small sad smile appeared on her face as she looked at the man, but he wasn't just any man anymore, he wasn't just the chief of police who welcome her into his home. No the man was and always would be her dad.

She stood a small unneeded breath before she slowly walked away from the door "hi dad" she whispered softly her voice quite and yet the man heard her loud and clear.

Charlie swan stood from his chair and slowly turned to her, his eyes scanning over her for any injury and then his eyes landed on her throat, the very visible hand print bruise there. He raced towards her and pulled her into his arms so her face was buried in his chest. For the first time in two days all her anxiety's hit her all at once, as she slowly relaxed into his arms  she could not stop the tears from flowing down her face. Finally she was safe in her fathers arms all of her worries disappeared.

Charlie Swan was never good when it came to crying women but whenever is daughter got upset he could do nothing but hold her and soothe her through all the pain she was feeling, so that's just what he did.

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