Chapter 20

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Thoughts began to swirl through Roses head as she looked at the two queens kneeling before her, she did not know who was more angry at the sudden information that they had been responsible for Didymes murder, Marcus looked absolutely furious but Aro looked ready to kill.

Rose looked towards the queen who held her heart and she couldn't help but frown, inside rose were two halves, one half wanting to send the sweet queen onto peace and the other wanting to drag her from the hell she was in into the world that now was.

She tapped the throne gently with her hand as she glared at the two blubbering vampires begging for mercy
"Mercy is not mine to give" she whispered coldly, these two were responsible for taking away her fourth mate before she ever got the chance to hold her and it made her ravenous for murder. Their murder.

She looked down at the two queens before she excused herself for a moment.
Moments later didyme was by her side "what's wrong" she whispered
"You. Your here and yet your not" she mumbled
"I'm always here" didyme smiled
"Yes but I wish to hold you. If..if I could bring you back would you want that" she whispered
Didyme looked at her for a second "if you had asked me that maybe ten years ago I would have said no, but now I see the life I could have, one with my brothers and Marcus but most importantly with you. So if you could bring me back then yes I would accept it" she whispered
She looked towards her mate and nodded "do me a favour no matter what you feel do not pull away" she whispered

Didyme nodded a little and stood still looking into her mates beautiful eyes
Rose looked at the woman before she closed her eyes slowly her hands grabbed the woman in front of her making her eyes snap open, her once silver eyes now pure white as they burned.

Didyme groaned slightly before she gasped feeling her heart beat again, although it was beating it was much slower exactly like Roses.
"What did you do" she whispered
"Linked your life with mine" rose whispered "you die, I die and vise Versa" she mumbled

Didyme stared at the woman infront of her before she pulled her into her arms and kissed Rose with all the passion, love and happiness that she could muster. Rose smiled as she leaned into her before slowly pulling away.
"Go out and feed, join us when you are done" rose whispered as she pecked her lips gently before she watched didyme speed off.

She walked back into the room and instantly sped back to the thrones.

A cold hand gripped hers tightly, she turned and was greeted by the red eyes of Marcus "what is going on, why are you so angry" he whispered making her three l mates look at her

She stopped for a second "it seems when someone is dead I can see the life they would have had of they were alive" she mumbled as Aro grasped her hand to see for himself
"She would have made caius happy just as a sister always does, Aro and Di would garden together, Marcus and her would love till the end of time" she whispered
"And she's your mate" Aro mumbled making everyone freeze
"Mate" Marcus mumbled
"I could feel it, the bond that never got to snap" she whispered as tears came to her eyes
"Oh bambino" Marcus mumbled pulling her into him as he kissed her cheek gently

She sighed softly as she curled into Marcus as she frowned a little before she watched Aro stalk towards the old queens ready to kill. "Their death is not ours to take" she mumbled making caius look at her
"Then who's is it" caius growled
"Hers" she whispered as she looked to the doors

The throne room doors slammed open, the moment they did gasps sounded around the entire room and Marcus hold on his mate dropped as he stared at the woman
"Didyme" Marcus whispered
She smiled softly "hello Marcus" she whispered before her eyes landed on the two queens in front of her.

The two old queens froze as red eyes met red, the woman they had killed was now up and very much alive and looked positively angry.
"How" Athenodora chocked out
Didyme looked to her mate and smiled "she is death and she is life" she smirked "and she gave me mine"

Rose slowly stood up and began to walk down the stairs "I believe it's only fair she decides their punishment right Aro"
Aro stared his sister in complete shock "right" he whispered, her three kings could not take their eyes off the woman they had grown close to many many years ago.

Rose hummed and as she circled the two women and smirked as she looked down at them "she told me what you did to her" she whispered "burning hee alive" she growled as she threw both of them to the other side of the room "you took not only a lover away from Marcus but you took a sister from Caius and Aro" she mumbled "but most of all you took a mate I had yet to meet" she growled louder as she stopped towards them only for a delicate hand to hold her in place.

She slowly looked up at didyme and relaxed slightly "I believe the fun of torturing them is over" she whispered
"It shouldn't be over" she growled
"No but I have a better plan" didyme smirked as two vampires walked in carrying torches of fire.

All the vampires in the room instantly backed away from the fire "shall we have a little bonfire" didyme smirked at her mate
"How very inviting, Marcus my love would you like to help" Rose smiled
Marcus stood up and smirked "with pleasure" he whispered as he grabbed a torch "which one did the most damage" he whispered as he looked at didyme
"Sulpicia" she mumbled

Marcus nodded and threw the torch at Sulpicia as didyme did the same to Athenodora, both of them instantly grabbed their mate before both of them looked at each other.

There was still love for each other but it didn't come close to the lose they felt for rose.

Aro and caius came up to them and ran their hands down her back gently as she leaned into her four mates as they all watched as the two old queens screamed until their was nothing but ash on the floor.

Finally didyme had her revenge, finally rose no longer felt the fear and betrayal coming from didyme

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