Chapter 14

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For the next two weeks Marcus and Rose were ultimately inseparable, he had made the decision to stay with his mate until after graduation so that they could get to know one another more. She loved it.

Every morning she would wake up to a text from one of her two mates in volterra wishing her a happy day. But then she'd put her phone down and turn over to be welcomed by the gorgeous red eyes of her sweet mate. Marcus and Rose over the last two weeks got to know each other really well.

She found out that his ex wife was buried in volterra in a separate part of the castle that he never allowed anyone to go in. Her heart broke for him whenever he spoke about her, she could tell he really did love his ex wife but she was grateful that it did not make her jealous when he spoke of her, instead it made her smile, she was happy that he has someone for all those years before her and now she was happy that she could hopefully be the reason he is happy once again.

He found out that when her biological parents died it led to her being mute for such a long time after the accident until one day she had spoken to Charlie and made the man cry hearing her voice.

The night that Marcus returned to her was one of the best of both of their lives. Marcus had kissed and caressed every single scar on her body but took extra care when he kissed the long scar on her cheek that she hated so much. He had treated her with tender and care the entire time that he was with her and rose was grateful for that, she was grateful that she had chosen Marcus to be the first to take her, he was sweet and kind, he put her pleasure and her needs above his own. He was her sweet mate.

Though the days after she found out that her sweet mate had quite the dominate side too. Which she loved.

Almost every night she would go home whether that was to the house Marcus had bought or the house which she shared with Charlie and Bella and she would eat dinner, do homework, relax and spend time with Marcus.

They had grown into a routine each morning she would wake up and be met by her loving mate laid next to her, they would both sit and talk for awhile before she would take a shower and change ready for school. Each day he would drive her and pick her up from school and she loved it.

Each second with Marcus filled a hole in her heart she did not know she had. She loved him a lot.

Quickly the days slowly began to count down to her graduation, she was not only graduating but so were Sabrina, Edward, Alice, Jasper and Bella.

In school she heard all about the dates that Edward and Sabrina had been on and it made her smile, she was glad Edward was treating her soul sister right but more importantly soon after graduation he would be telling her about vampires, she did not know how that conversation was going to go but she hoped it would be a good ending.

Right now she was stood in front of the mirror with her beautiful dress on which Heidi had gotten her just a few days ago in order for her to look stunning for her graduation. She stood looking at herself in the mirror and she smiled slightly the bags under her eyes has all but disappeared, the light in her eyes had returned and the same on her face seemed to be infectious.

Marcus stood leaning against their bedroom door and looked at his beautiful mate, she slowly looked up and their eyes met in the mirror "you look utterly breathtaking" he whispered
She smiled softly "thank you baby" she whispered as she looked at him
"I have something for you" he whispered as he slowly began to walk towards her
"What is is" she smiled softly

He slowly unclasped the necklace from around his neck and gently lifted her hair so he could put it around her neck.
"Marcus this is your crest" she whispered
"And now it is yours, until we can get one made for you" he mumbled as he wrapped his arm around her waist gently and kissed the back of her neck gently "now everyone will know that you are taken, messing with you means they will deal with the wrath of the volturi but most importantly the will deal with my wrath" he whispered as he turned her around so that she was facing him

She looked up at him him and smiled softly as she stroked his cheek "I love you" she whispered softly
"And i you" he mumbled as he leaned down and kissed her gently
"When do they get here" she whispered referring to her other two mates
"Soon I think princess" he whispered

She nodded a little and sighed as she grabbed his hand gently and played with his fingers gently before hummed a little before she kissed his hand gently.

She walked down the stairs with him and was greeted by her brother, friend, father, mother and Carlisle all stood in the living room of the home Marcus owned.
She smiled at them all "hello" she whispered and kissed as instantly tackled in hugs by all of them making her chuckle loudly
"You have a hickey" Dimitri mumbled

She gasped a little "Marcus volturi" she scolded as she looked him, the nerve of the man to have a smile on his face right now made her roll her eyes
"It was needed" he mumbled as he shrugged a little

A few moments later there was a knock at the door, everyone stopped and looked towards the human girl. She frowned a little before she looked at Marcus "I believe that's for you" he smiled softly
She frowned for a second before her eyes widened and she smiled a little her mates were finally here.

She slowly walked towards the door and froze for a second before she opened it slowly, on the other side her two mates stood. They looked worse than the last time she had seen them, both of them looked tired but when they saw her their eyes lit up "hello amore" Aro whispered

She smiled at them "hello boys" she whispered softly "come in" she smiled as she moved out the way for them to walk inside.

Both of them walked Inside not once taking their eyes off their breathtaking mate.
"You look absolutely amazing" caius whispered

She chuckled softly "you kings and your flattery" she whispered as she turned and chuckled when she saw only Marcus left in the room "how convient" she smiled softly

She walked back over to him and hummed as she leaned into his arms and sighed softly, things had changed between Marcus and Rose the day that they had slept with each other for the first time, it was as if the only person that could calm the other down was them.

Aro and Caius watched them for a second before they both frowned she smiled and kissed Marcus' cheek gently before she turned and looked back at them both. Both of them instantly putting smiles onto their faces.

Aro looked at her for a second before he held out his hand too her. She looked at his hand for a second knowing he wished to everything, she slowly turned her head to look at Marcus who looked at her for a second before he nodded.

She smiled a little and walked over to Aro and gently placed her hand in his. He watched all the heartbreak and pain that she had felt over the last few weeks, all the memories she had, thoughts and feelings before it ended with her and Marcus being happy with one another.

Aro pulled back and looked at her "I'm sorry" he whispered softly
"I know" she smiled before she squeezed his hand gently and then squeezed caius' before she looked back at Marcus
"You two can explain later we're going to be late" she smiled before she grabbed the car keys and walked out to the car
"Your driving" Caius frowned
She smiled at him "I am, Marcus taught me, lucky he has good reflexes or we would have went off a bridge" she mumbled
Marcus chuckled softly "your knight in shining armour remember bambino"
"That is correct" she smiled

Her and hee kings got into the car and she hummed softly as she began to drive to the school.

"How have you been" Caius mumbled
"I'm okay cai" she smiled "Marcus explained quite a lot to me I'm not angry anymore" she whispered
"But you haven't forgiven us yet right" he whispered
"Forgiveness and trust takes time" she smiled softly
"Indeed it does" he whispered

She smiled once she arrived at the school, she quickly kissed Marcus and then kissed her other two mates on the cheek before she ran over to Sabrina.

Both of them smiled and chatted to one another until it was time to go and take their seats. As they did she couldn't help but smile at all of her mates.

One by one all their names were called until it was her turn, as she walked across the stage she watched as her mates, dad, mother, brother, felix, carlisle and all of the cullens as well as Sabrina stood up and cheered for her making her blush deeply.

Her mates looked perfectly proud of her, as she looked at her two mates who she had been so upset with she couldn't help but feel as though she shouldn't be mad at them but she knew she had been but why now, why now did she feel like she wasn't mad at them.

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