Chapter 24

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A baby was some tiny so special, it was as the product of love between two people who loved each other, a baby could bring about an entire new personality to a person that none of them knew they had.

A child was something none of the volturi thought they would have, the kings never planned to love a human or even move the goddess of life and death but in doing so they had gained so much.

Rose had given them all love they had craved, she loved each and every single one of her mates despite their many flaws, despite their murderous tendencies and despite all the odds that used to be against them.

She loved them, they moved her and gave them an eternity of love and devotion, not to mention the three wonderful children.

It wasn't long before Sabrina went into labour after they found out that rose could hear her neice or nephew.

Infact it was only four hours later that carlisle was helping to deliver the baby.

The vampires in the house sat and listened to the screams of Sabrina as she delivered the baby Making them all flinch sometimes. But what made the volturi kings flinch was the glare their darling mate was throwing at them.

"If that's how she sounds and feels delivering one baby, so help me god I'm going to kill the three of you when I give birth" she growled softly as she glared at them all

"Now darling, it's a few moments of pain for a life time of happiness" Aro smiled though in the future he would definitely see this phrase as a mistake
"A few moments, Im pregnant with three babies ass hat, it's not going to be a few moments" she muttered as she crossed her arms

He smiled sheepishly at her "sorry darling" he muttered as he leaned back and wrapped his arm around her gently.

It took another half an hour before Sabrina's cries and screams stopped, but not only her cries and screams, also her heart. In that moment they all mourned the loss of her human life but death comes life, soon Sabrina would be one of them and all would be well.

Edward walked out of the makeshift hospital room and looked at rose, "Sabrina and I discussed this, meet your god son, Elias, after a few letter in your name" he smiled as he walked over to her and gently handed her the small bundle of joy.

She smiled softly as she looked down at him "your gorgeous" she whispered softly as she kissed his head gently.

She smiled and held onto the little bundle for a little while until she handed him to his father once again.

As usual for a vampire turning it took days, three days of silence, three days of Edward stressing that his mate would not wake but on that very last day of her turning edward heard her eyes open and smiled as he quickly handed the baby to rose and ran off.

She hummed softly and rocked him in her arms, he was growing quite quickly but also not quick enough to be concerned, right now he looked around two months old and was also very alert most of the time.

She smiled at him "your mama is going to love you" she whispered softly as she leaned down and kissed his head gently, just as caius wrapped his arms around her and rested his hands on her now large bump.

"I'm just a few days this will us" he whispered softly as he looked down at Elias and smiled at him

She hummed "only they'll be three babies and not one" she chuckled softly

He smiled "we'll certainly have our hands full but it'll entire worth it" he whispered softly making her smile.

She nodded "it definitely will be" she said just as Sabrina and Edward walked back in.

"Someones been waiting to meet you dear sister" she smiled as she turned around Elias instantly looking towards his mother.

Sabrina walked over slowly and looked down at her child and smiled as she carefully took him into her arms "my sweet boy" she whispered as she held him.

Thankfully no drama happened, no drama would happen again once they moved from forks in just a few weeks time.

The rest of the day went off without a hitch, that was until later in the evening when slowly rose began to feel pain. But she didn't tell anyone, she figured it was just a simple pain of carrying the three babies, but oh how wrong she was as only minutes later her waters broke scaring her mates and Carlisle.

Carlisle quickly helped her into the small hospital room and looked at her "ready to have these babies" he whispered

She looked at him before she nodded "I'm scared" she whispered softly
"Don't be Rosie, I'm here, as are you mates, I won't let anything happen to you or your children" he smiled as he began to prep the room for the birth of the children.

Birthing three children was not an experience she wanted to do again, but she would never regret it.

All together it took eight hours for her children to be born, first a beautiful boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, second a gorgeous daughter with sandy brown hair and brown eyes, and finally her littlest child born just after his sister had the most gorgeous green eyes and black hair.

Each of the children already looked incredibly similar to how she had seen them on her vision one day.

She knew exactly who was the father to each of her children and she had no doubt that everyone else would too but she wanted them all treated the same and whatever the queen wanted the queen would get.

If vampires could cry she had no doubt that her three stoic and angry kings would be sobbing as they looked at their children.

Each one holding a child on their arms, each one holding one that looked nothing like them, she knew then they loved all three of them equally.

Didyme sat by her mates side and kissed her head gently "you did so good baby" she whispered softly as she looked at the children

"Are we all agreed on the names" caius whispered softly trying not to scare his daughter in his arms.

She smiled and nodded as did the others, just then her sister and the rest of the Cullens walked into the room

"Well then" Marcus smiled as he looked at them all.
Before aro stood forward and smiled "we'd like to introduce you all to, Maisie, Oskar and Atlas volturi the princess and princes of our world" he muttered as he held the Oskar in his arms, his blonde hair glistening beautifully in the sun that streamed through the window.

That day had changed the volturi forever it had gave them new people to care for, children to love but most importantly it had filled a hole in all of the kings hearts, a hole in roses heart and a hole in didymes heart that none of them knew they had. These children would be spoiled beyond belief.

It was in that moment when the kings looked at their beautiful mate as they each handed her the children that they all realised she had and elated will be the queen they needed.

And that my friends is the end of rose and the kings story.

The Queen they needed- The volturi kings Where stories live. Discover now